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10,000   126,631,943

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Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

⊑ Sebio Yogi 1290 Wetdrive
This top of the line implant is a Sebio created neural augmentation computer that assists the brain. It can be discreet or obvious based on the interests of the user. Depending on the program disks installed it can perform a wide range of functions. This model has two general slots and two utility slots.

Program Slots: 2
Dedicated Utility Slots: 2
πŸ’€ [Do not mix manufactures in program slots or brain injury may occur.]
x 84,000 (150%)
⧉ Sebio: Wisdom
+5 to Wisdom
Intended to change the way you think entirely, Sebio has created a wet drive program that will simulate wisdom. This will aid you in leadership roles as well as persuading allies and foes for the long term with actions and words. It is only compatible with other Sebio programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 25,000 (100%)
⧉ Sebio: Dexterity
+5 to Dexterity
Intended to remove mental limitations for motor skills, Sebio has created a wet drive program that will improve dexterity. This will aid you in gear management while in combat and will give a powerful advantage for manual hackers. It is only compatible with other Sebio programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 25,000 (100%)
β›­ Reality Augmenter
Unregistered or illegal utility program which could be harmful to the user if not distributed from a trusted source. There is no telling what it actually does.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot β›­]
x 500 (100%)
β›­ Explosive Device
Unregistered or illegal utility program which could be harmful to the user if not distributed from a trusted source. This one is an improvised explosive device and is rigged to a detonator. It will explode if removed or the user fails to obey their master.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot β›­]
x 500 (100%)
Asellus Deflector Pistol
Light Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech pistol built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 45,000 (100%)
Imperial Urban Storm
Light Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spray] [Sweep]
Weight: 4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Some Imperial soldiers are blessed by wealthy commanding officers who favor the Urban Storm over the standard Imperial Laser Pistol. Utilizing the same batteries as laser pistols, the Urban Storm is designed to imitate the kinetic SMG making it ideal for close-quarters combat, especially in urban environments.
x 25,000 (100%)
Tactical Armor
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 5
Ability: This armor can provide resistance to thermal, kinetic, and explosive attacks.

This high-quality combat armor was popular among Isaak's Elite Squad. It provides high defense and medium style. The wearer is agile and quiet while carrying conveniently accessible slots for ammunition, grenades, and clips for weapons. It features 5 utility slots for defense improvements and is popular among independent mercenaries.
x 17,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Emerald
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Black
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Bronze
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Navy
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Lime
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Brass
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Aqua
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - White
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Violet
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Blue
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Turquoise
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Teal
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
Light Frame Exo-Suit
[-20 lb]
Utility Slots: 2

The exo-suit is a mobile machine worn on the body, enhancing limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The light frame version is the most agile, allowing quick movement while assisting with heavy lifting. It slightly reduces the weight of attached gear, making it ideal for scouts, snipers, and scientists.
x 10,000 (100%)
Galspec 109 Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Precise] [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 36 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for versatility in the hands of a marksman and features an integrated computer that alters the weapon specifications for a variety of situations, such as penetrating cover or draining energy shields. A suppressor/audio mask can be toggled.
x 42,000 (140%)
Utility Vambrace
[Additional Utility Slots]
Utility Slots: 2

This bulky device is a defensive brace for the forearm designed for the sole purpose of providing the user with customizable utility mounts beyond what was available on the core armor. Since it draws from the same source of power, the user's all-purpose battery, the number of registered utility ports remains a maximum of six. As an added benefit, the vambrace provides protection to the arms of the user.

x 7,000 (100%)
Melee Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Precision] [Slash]
Weight: 4.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This highly adaptable sword is popular among gifted melee pilots. It can slice through many armors while avoiding attention generally created by thermal glowing weapons. The only downside to this blade is that it cannot clash against a thermal-infused weapon without the risk of being cut into pieces.
x 500 (100%)
Visual Assistant System
[+5 Wisdom Defense] [Visual Enhancement]

This system is a face-worn device that enhances vision over long distances or in adverse weather like smoke or fog. It helps users spot shapes and symbols and can identify bodies through walls in most cases. However, it's not immune to E.G.G. attacks.

πŸ’€ [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 1,200 (100%)
Amica Compsognathus
It is hard to come across a terraformed Earth-Like World without meeting packs of tiny, genetically engineered compys running through the grasses along rivers and lakes, or even city parks. Since they are carnivorous hunters and scavengers, they are excellent for pest control and clean up. They are incredibly social creatures and docile to humans or other dominate beings including machines. When tamed, they make for long living and loyal pets. They can be found in vibrant warm colors and weight 1.4 Kg on average making them very small yet intelligent lizards.
x 200 (40%)
Nisara Multitech Burst Shield
Medium Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay, No Delay if Powered

An alternate defense option in extended combat, this shield will deploy from a belt and defend the wearer from thermal and kinetic attacks for a limited number of hits by integrating with the user's armor. It can be recharged quickly using a shield cell booster. This model can be continuously charged when connected to a power system assuming one is conveniently accessible.
x 25,000 (100%)
Tactical Boots
[Improves Armor Defense]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment is heavily armored giving the user significant protection from kinetic and explosive attacks. While it reduces agility, when combined with tactical jackets it will improve strength.
x 5,000 (100%)
Encryption Cracking Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will detect encrypted communication data and decipher it before storing information in a memory device and shared with a squad. It can also help prevent hostile viruses and hack into active or recent transmissions at the cost of heat buildup.

[Use can take place at user's will or when a communication is flagged with ECU]

x 750 (25%)
Seracia Faida
Class: Super
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 130 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2
At the top of the Archangel Series is the Faida Super Car. Incredibly fast and well armored, it drives like a dream while protecting the occupants from whatever hostile elements may present themselves. It can be piloted using augmented reality that projects the outside on the canopy interior.
x 1,260,000 (120%)
Drone Neutralizer Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of charged particles to disrupt drone communications, causing airborne drones to suffer similar effects to an EMP. It is very effective against small drones such as the sentry, camera, or spy drone. Large drones like the Mongoose and Meerkat are largely immune. The Drone Neutralizer Unit has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.
x 1,250 (25%)
Vigor Shield Booster
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this device triples (300%) the capacity and charge of shield defenses at the cost of a tremendous heat surge. A burst shield requires activation prior to the burst but can be used at anytime with a shield generator. It has no effect on kinetic shields or thermal weapons. It is awarded to accomplished Vigor agents being more powerful than conventional models but with reduced integrity. Shields cannot exceed the capacity of the largest equipped booster.
x 1,500 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03 will hack any security Level 03 system, particularly Networks and Turrets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 600 (100%)
Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade
Utility/Laser Weaponry Countermeasure
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can eliminate functionality of utilities, energy shields, and laser weaponry in a large area. It is also useful for destroying drones, vehicles, and turrets, larger drones like the Mongoose will require more to take down. Effective for the duration of a battle.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (100%)
Intrusive Pheromone Neutrilizer
x 5,000 (100%)
Identity Scan Neutralizer
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device reactively responds to uninvited identity scans it detects by deploying a jamming pulse. This pulse ensures that the uninvited scan does not obtain any useful information relevant to the user. It is a popular tool for bounty hunters and criminals. It creates very little heat and will last through any mission.

[Reactive use against scan attempts.]
x 5,000 (100%)
Encryption Cracking Neutralizer
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will automatically trigger in response to a hostile Encryption Cracking Unit attempt against the user or their squad. It reactively transmits destructive viruses and generated noise directly to hostile ECUs in an attempt to mask sensitive communications. It will notify the squad of the hostile ECU when it functions as intended.

[Reactive use against ECU attempts.]
x 7,500 (150%)



Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system.
x 1,000 (100%)
Forculus HoloCard
For the odd individual with an appreciation of the simple things, or perhaps a sense of humor, the HoloCard will surprise your friends with 3D projected confetti, music, and a video recording from you! The card itself is only a few inches wide and celebrates the otherwise uninteresting Forculus system with an animated image of its only habitable city, Irrational Exuberance.
x 3 (60%)
Mobile Arachnid Spawn Defense
Class: Utility
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 50 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
With growing threat of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade being used as a terrorist weapon, CMDRs in Cubeo funded the development of experimental countermeasures. This device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Spawn Spider to a distance of 150 meters. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of Cubeo pledged CMDRs.
x 60,000 (120%)
Paesan Buttercup
Class: Segway
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power
Speed: 30 m/s
Self Driving: Yes, Forced
Seats: 0 (1)
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this enclosed segway is so small that you could drive it through a doorway. The passenger is forced to stand while the autonomous vehicle drives from one predetermined location to another. They are terrifying to ride.
x 1,440 (100%)
Paradigm Advocator
Class: Military [Prismatic Imperium]
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 40 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 9 (13)
Paradigm are the designers behind most of the Empire's war machines, the Advocator being one of their most produced. It functions as a multipurpose utility truck with only light armor but impressive speed. Individuals with high reputation with their faction have been known to purchase them.
x 95,600 (100%)
S3 Mongoose Drone
Heavy Thermal/Explosive Weapon | Auto/Man
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Splash] [Bash]
5km Range | 48hr Battery

This 4-meter-tall drone rivals the Goliath in attack power, armed with two heavy beamers and rocket pods. It requires deployment via vehicle and prioritizes close-range enemies while detecting and eliminating other drones. Additionally, it can engage SLFs in the air. It has autonomous functionality by default but can be piloted remotely.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller required]
x 65,000 (100%)
Seracia Azazel EXCL
Class: Autonomous
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 70 m/s
Self Driving: Yes, Forced
Seats: 4
Seracia's Archangel series are fully autonomous transports that feature no driver seat. This midnight black model has been customized with exclusive features including a high performance virtual reality system, data streaming, and deluxe communication encryption as well as a basic shield system.
x 37,500 (125%)
Seracia Eccord LE
Class: Sport
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 82 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Seracia pushed the Eccord, their first exclusively manually piloted car after dominating the autonomous market. Their first prototype was a limited edition model that had several design flaws. Despite having a wide profile it has an uncomfortably compact interior as though the designers were making a statement.
x 29,500 (100%)
Sirius Aquanautics Barracuda SE
Class: Submersible
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 25 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1
Sirius Aquanautics create popular private submersible craft with a variety of functions at the disposal of a surveyor or salvager. It is Equipped with a 2km sensor, surface mineral detector, 2 small weapon mounts, Shield, and 2T Cargo Capacity. This model belonged to Mike Delgado who engineered power for a 100% boost to sensor range or shield strength.
x 27,670 (100%)
Tee-Tee Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR TTMJ, a cyborg trained for chaos and destruction who pledged himself to the Prismatic Imperium as an embargo enforcer for the Branch of Mind. His mechanical arms have untold strength. His engagement to Baron Cecilia Harris, his partner during his heroic victory in The Baltac Hunt are among his public achievements.
x 74 (148%)
Trained Amica Compsognathus
The Amica Compy is incredibly versatile in the tasks it can perform. Its high intelligence and loyalty make it ideal for tactical applications. The trained compy can infiltrate structures using ventilation systems, disabling cameras and drones or unlocking doors as it goes. It is equipped with a powerful taser for self defense against people, animals, and small drones. While the unequipped Compy isn't generally a threat to humans, they are incredible thieves, capable of snatching gear from alerted foes and returning their valuables to the owner. Their agility is unmatched by all opposition.
x 20,000 (200%)
Wise-Sphere Companion
No Weapons | Automatic Control
No Damage | 500m Range | 8hr Battery
Universal Cartographics acquired the baseball sized Wise-Sphere design after the original corporation went under. Since then there have been numerous improvements to the Wise-Sphere companion, a floating orb designed as a simple companion to children, colonists, and explorers. The Wise-Sphere can be limited to making simple chirps and beeps but some can include a full vocabulary to go along with their simple personalities. They are not sentient but are intelligent enough to be a convincing friend.
x 500 (100%)
β›­ Vocal Assistant
This unregistered program helps individuals with speech impediments overcome hardships in communication, but it has a duality function when the user is unconscious.

Update: This program pairs with Gem Spores to allow overriding input from a Utopian Simulation Center AI, forcing the individual to perform nonsensical tasks and incoherent rambling while unconscious. Further research is required.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot β›­]
x 500 (100%)
π„ž Gas Lighting 2880
Grade: 3

Artist: Unknown

This is a semi-unique piece discovered in 2880. The Diamond Market has clients who are interested in purchasing this artistic asset due to the intrinsic value.

View [Notes] for a detailed description of the work of art.
x 185,000 (100%)
π„ž The Brightest Flame 3286
Grade: 5

Artist: Caspian De Luca

This is a unique oil painting measuring 1.8 meters in height, painted in 3286. The Diamond Market has clients who are interested in purchasing this artistic asset due to the intrinsic value.

View [Notes] for a detailed description of the work of art.
x 2,520,000 (100%)
π„ž The Mysterious Broker
Grade: 4

Artist: Caspian De Luca

This is a unique oil painting measuring 1.8 meters in height, painted in 3307. The Diamond Market has clients who are interested in purchasing this artistic asset due to the intrinsic value.

View [Notes] for a detailed description of the work of art.
x 520,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Brown
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Copper
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Fuchsia
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Gold
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Green
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Grey
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Maroon
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Olive
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Orange
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Pink
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Red
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Silver
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Diamond Market Hack - Yellow
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Kingpin Report
Herculean Data Bank full of information copied by Kaylee Yaseiko.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 500 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Mysterious Crystal Bank
Crystal Memory Bank full of information copied by Nikki Bonnefesta.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 500 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Raven Hart Personal Data
Herculean Data Bank full of information copied by Kaylee Yaseiko.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 5,000 (100%)
πŸ’Ύ Silence
Crystal Memory Bank full of information copied by Tyrant Thorn Mercenary.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 500 (100%)
Conventional Jacket
[Lightweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1
Ability: This jacket can provide basic resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This smart-wired jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. It provides some much-needed protection for a street-smart pilot.
x 100 (100%)
Diamond Market Combat Helmet
[+5 Wisdom Defense]

This helmet is only for Diamond Market enforcers, offering great protection. It has a Visual Assistant System for enhanced vision in fog and smoke, a Voice Enhancer for vocal projection, and defense against Flash Bang Grenades and E.G.G. attacks. It includes a computer to identify shapes, symbols, and bodies through walls.
x 20,000 (100%)
Electronic Ghost Generator
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device generates frequencies known to interfere with perception. Hallucinations and paranormal sounds will cause everyone within 100 meters to become delirious including the user. None who hear are ever immune to the effects, no matter how tough they are. Effects extend to visual assist programs but drones are immune as fabricated visuals do not conflict with tracking hostiles.
x 30,000 (100%)
Holo-Me Decoy Projector
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will create a burst of hologram clones in every direction with random orientations making it very difficult for foes to track the user. They last for several seconds and are accompanied with shimmering sounds as a distraction. The holograms are high quality and will cast accurate shadows in a majority of lighting conditions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 25,000 (100%)
Kill Warrant Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will scan individuals and compile bounty information as well as identify any registered citizen. It is a popular tool for bounty hunters and security personnel. It creates very little heat and will last through any mission.
x 750 (25%)
Vigor Shield Booster
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this device triples (300%) the capacity and charge of shield defenses at the cost of a tremendous heat surge. A burst shield requires activation prior to the burst but can be used at anytime with a shield generator. It has no effect on kinetic shields or thermal weapons. It is awarded to accomplished Vigor agents being more powerful than conventional models but with reduced integrity. Shields cannot exceed the capacity of the largest equipped booster.
x 1,500 (100%)
Virtual Distortion Cloak
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will distort the user's appearance by creating dozens of corrupted holographic projections per minute. This effect is accompanied with disruptive sounds and visuals making the user difficult to identify, especially for recognition software in security systems. It draws attention from everyone who sees or hears the strange distortions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 10,000 (100%)
Arachnid Spawn Grenade
Continuously Replicating Biomod
Attacks: [Doom]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This containment pod holds fast-growing biomods. When activated, it spawns a rapidly expanding spider population that infests organisms, using their bodies as breeding grounds and leaving only husks behind. Spiders leave silk trails in search of new victims, perishing after consuming all organisms or reaching an 11th generation.
πŸ’€ [May warrant shoot on sight if discovered]
πŸ’€ [User WILL die if within 300 meters]
x 18,500 (103%)
Asellus Deflector Pistol
Light Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech pistol built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 45,000 (100%)
Asellus Deflector Rifle
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst] [Bash]
Weight: 16.8 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech rifle built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 65,000 (100%)
Assault Beamer
Heavy Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Sweep]
Weight: 64 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This beam laser is effective for cutting through armor and obstacles quickly. It is heavy and prone to overheating during extended use but it inflicts a consistently powerful beam laser on the target.
x 9,000 (90%)
BD90 Warhammer
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Splash]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This overpowered shotgun would harm the user if it were not for the assistance of recoil-reducting micro-burst thrusters. It fires a volley of scary-sized beads turning every engagement aftermath into a pressure wash clean-up.
x 44,800 (140%)
Callaghan Auto Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This standard Callaghan sidearm is a must-have for personal defense for anyone when outside of the security of installations. It is a reliable weapon that uses common types of ammunition making it simple to use and maintain.
x 100 (100%)
Diamond Market P-15
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This popular kinetic firearm is a semi-automatic pistol with low recoil and a high fire rate, offset by comparatively low damage output. It is highly effective against unshielded targets, especially ones with low armor. This model has been upgraded by the enforcer who used it. A suppressor/audio mask upgrade can be toggled.
x 9,000 (100%)
Ergon Burst Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spread] [Spray] [Bash]
Weight: 16 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Initially a shotgun, this rare weapon was modified into a burst-fire assault rifle with a large ammunition drum and a medium-range scope. It is a highly prized item for rare weapon collectors.
x 40,000 (100%)
Ergon Shard Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Spray] [Sweep] [Splash] [Salvo]
Weight: 18.4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Popular during the Savko Drilling Enterprise riots, this rifle fires crystalline shards that circulate in many anarchy markets. The high-capacity magazine makes this weapon ideal for sustainable suppression fire and whittling down armor.
x 78,000 (130%)
Evex Long Barrel Laser Pistol
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Duel]
Weight: 12 lb
Ability: Attacks may overheat targets. Critical (10) can set enemies on fire.

This outdated weapon represents a time when Imperials needed the biggest guns while flying the largest ships. Now that there are restrictions placed on the size of warships, the culture that popularized this weapon has vanished making it popular with collectors.
x 30,000 (100%)
Galspec 109 Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Precise] [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 36 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for versatility in the hands of a marksman and features an integrated computer that alters the weapon specifications for a variety of situations, such as penetrating cover or draining energy shields. A suppressor/audio mask can be toggled.
x 42,000 (140%)
Kachirigin Filter Leeches
Kachirigin leeches can painlessly filter impurities from the user's blood, so can be used as a cure-all for hangovers and the worst affects of certain addictions. They are prized by the wealthy and hedonistic, and have an almost cult-like following.

Kachirigin Leeches will remove effects of poisons, drugs, and alcohol.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 3,962 (198%)
Melee Kinetic Weapon
[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attacks: [Precise] [Slash]
Weight: 1.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Every pilot should consider keeping a knife on hand as a last resort. This weapon can cut through flight suits and some armor with ease. The Diamond Market provides one as a gift to all CMDRs with an account.
x 50 (100%)
Manticore Executioner
Heavy Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this semi-automatic long-range plasma rifle with high damage output and a low rate of fire is the perfect complement to a trained marksman. Its slow velocity projectiles make it difficult for large distances, though when ambushing it is incredibly effective.
x 14,000 (100%)
Manticore Intimidator
Medium Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Bash]
Weight: 12 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this Manticore-built semi-automatic plasma shotgun delivers a hefty blow but suffers from limited ammo and high recoil. It's highly effective at short range, favored by strikers for close-quarters combat.
x 5,600 (80%)
Manticore Oppressor
Medium Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this automatic plasma rifle built by Manticore balances a high fire rate with comparatively modest damage output. It is popular among organized soldiers and mercenaries.
x 5,600 (80%)
Oxroy Blade
Melee Kinetic Weapon
Attack: 4d20+10 [Slash], 1d2(+80) [Duel]
Weight: 18 lb
Ability: Attacks can make targets flee in fear. Critical (20) can ignore armor.

Crafted specifically for Malco Oxroy, this sharp sword can slice through most armors. It cannot clash against a thermal-infused weapon. It is heavy and off balance which was the ultimate downfall of the original owner, exhausted during a prolonged duel against several swords.
x 50,000 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03 will hack any security Level 03 system, particularly Networks and Turrets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 600 (100%)
Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Precise]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for long-range and features a standard high-powered scope. Electronically fired rounds provide precise discharge with minimal recoil. This rifle is not recommended for close combat.
x 7,200 (90%)
Tactical Knife
Melee Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Precise] [Slash]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

For when you need to look into your enemy's eyes (really closely) when you kill them, this knife is equipped with a heavy-duty scope, flashlight/laser sight, and a mini-suppressor system hidden in the hilt, all of which are non-compatible with anything else.
x 5,000 (100%)
⊘ Overdrive
Extracted from the juice of mollusks from Shente A 5, this liquid grants a brief enhancement to awareness and dexterity, giving the sensation of time slowing down. It allows the user to perform actions in quick succession but quickly wears off with an onset of fatigue. It is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[Grants double actions for one turn.]
[Causes fatigue for the next turn.]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 4,340 (124%)
⊘ Painstopper
This liquid blocks pain signals to the brain and boosts adrenaline, allowing users to fight or flee without feeling pain or shock from wounds. However, it's risky, as pushing the body too far can lead to critical injuries or death. It is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[Immunizes user to pain for 2 turns.]
[Does not heal user or prevent further injury.]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 5,000 (100%)
⊘ Phony Darko Grenade Launcher
Fake Heavy Weapon
No Damage
Weight: 74lbs

This massive prop gun is designed to look like the grenade launcher used by Darko Matahna during the Syndicate War. This one is not real. While it is heavy and built from cheap metals, it is incapable of firing anything. It is just an elaborate prop. One can only guess what secrets it must hide if given the right opportunity.
πŸ’€ [Exo-Suit recommended for this object]
x 800 (100%)
⊘ Phony Isaak Executioner
Fake Light Weapon
No Damage

This fake item is trying to be Spencer Isaak's personal sidearm but it clearly is made from hardened foam. Try as you might, no one is going to get hurt by this item, even if you bash them over the head with it. Considering how much you paid for it, you can only dream what mystical properties are waiting to be discovered by using this phony weapon.
x 800 (100%)
πŸ’Ž Ramirez's Foxhouse Special
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Duel]
Weight: 5.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This sidearm belonged to Jessica Ramirez. The custom-ordered hand cannon is dangerously huge and disproportionate and is sure to quickly end a dispute in any bar simply by presentation. It fires rifle-caliber bullets from a five-cylinder which is uncommon.
x 50,000 (100%)
mission items
Ancient Relics
A standard shipping unit of assorted items from the core worlds, many of which could have come from Earth. Contents may include books, lamps, data drives, jewelry, and other curiosities. These items tend to sell for a great amount at auctions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 18,276 (100%)
Building Structure Schematics
Illegally obtained blueprints for a construction project that belongs to a private contracting company who would do everything to ensure the confidentiality of their clients remain secure. Keeping this in your inventory nearly guarantees visitation from assassins or lawyers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 15,700 (100%)
Concept Vehicle Data
Illegally obtained from a corporation, the early designs of a conceptual vehicle and all of its secrecy now rest in your hands. Data this sensitive could result in its owner taking legal action against you as it could have some value to a competitor.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 7,850 (100%)
Corporate Communications Database
Illegally obtained transcripts of communications between a corporation and all of its clients as well as personal information. This is a highly sensitive item which will have serious consequences if found in your possession. Corporate assassins have been known to track down data like this through the Diamond Market and will certainly go to extreme lengths to destroy it, and you.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 58,300 (100%)
Corporate Data Leak
Digital information that would expose a corporation of significant wrongdoing, opening them up to serious liability and fines which would likely sink their entire business, throwing their board of directors into dismay and their share holders into financial ruin. It would be wise to sell this data before it is destroyed by loyal agents or rival sellers who would go to great lengths to stop you from profiting from it.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 472,000 (100%)
Corporation Database
Illegally obtained data containing confidential information pertaining to a corporation. It is likely that the owners will attempt to reclaim it with hostile agents to protect their interests. Many people have gone missing after obtaining databases like this one.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 26,300 (100%)
Created by Life's Rift, this artificial womb is designed to develop zygote or embryo into adults using a genetic template. The owner can use the chamber to either clone their pets as a perfect replica or introduce genetic mutations which can improve your pets in various ways.

[Owning this item opens possibilities based on your contributions to the narrative. Possible outcome is duplicates of owned pets.]
x 25,000 (100%)
Manufacturing Schematics
Stolen schematics for a product developed by a private corporation. Due to the secretive nature of corporate manufacturing, it would be unwise to keep this in your inventory for very long. Corporations will often employ ruthless assassins to ensure their confidential property remains out of the hands of their business competition.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 10,000 (100%)
Modified Security Firmware
Adaptive read only software for security systems that have been modified from the intended parameters set by the designer. This allows the user to customize their terminals for a wide range of operations, both taboo and outright illegal. It is commonly used for criminal activity such as bypassing security systems or making a terminal anonymous but there are plenty of exceptions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,130 (100%)
Rare Fauna Data
A digital archive of fauna collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on rare variants of animals discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 18,000 (100%)
Rare Flora Data
A digital archive of flora collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on rare variants of plants discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 14,500 (100%)
Salvaged Jewelry
A collection of various jewels, rings, bracelets, earrings, watches, and necklaces crafted from various metals. Salvage material like this does not show up everyday.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 10,307 (100%)
Tactical Intelligence
Crystal Memory Bank storing information required by military field commanders and officers so they can plan for and, if necessary, conduct combat operations. This data can include enemy force compositions and movements, environmental data, weather analysis, strategic assets, or anything else vital to the coordinated efforts of a military entity.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,000 (100%)
β›­ Assembler
β›­ Production: Crew

Assemblers are individuals who exist to begrudgingly assemble components to a product in a manufacturing line for long periods of time. They can serve in a factory to assemble Production Components into Assembled Products.

x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Diplomat
β›­ Production: Crew

A diplomat is a individual appointed by a client, organization, or minor faction to conduct diplomacy with one or more inter-system organizations. These "Diplomats" can serve in Tourist Centers, using Tourist Licenses to convince high profile tourism agencies into selling their Vacation Packages.
x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Engineer
β›­ Production: Crew

Engineers are individuals who use scientific principles to problem solve, maintain, and facilitate the processes required to run a refinery on behalf of their employer. They can serve in Refineries, turning Raw Materials into Refined Materials.

x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Mercenary
β›­ Production: Crew

Mercenaries are professional soldiers who serve the private interests of a client such as a corporation or an individual. They can be very helpful for specific assignments when deployed at your discretion.
x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Scientist
β›­ Production: Crew

Scientists are individuals who conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest on behalf of a client or institution. They can serve in Laboratories, studying Scientific Samples to produce Scientific Data.
x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Stockbroker
β›­ Production: Crew

Stockbrokers are professional traders who buy and sell shares on behalf of high profile clients. They can serve in Commerce Centers, managing investments on your behalf by selling Low-Yield Stock for profitable High-Yield Stock.
x 5,000 (100%)
β›­ Vacation Package
β›­ Production: Output

These bundled packets of travel vouchers and luxury perks are ready for tourist consumption. They are acquired by Diplomats in Commerce Centers who negotiate using Tourist Licenses.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,100 (110%)


  • X can be found on Zhen Dock in the Xihe system.
  • X sells valuable items through commissions.
  • After a CMDR has been missing in action for numerous months or leaves the Prismatic Imperium network, X will purchase all unique and legacy items in their possession for their full market value and then resell them to other CMDRs.

Prismatic Imperium

[Automated Message from the Diamond Market] A mysterious data broker known only as X is bidding for unique items of value on your Diamond Market account using an Item Aquisition Perk. This is acceptable only on the condition that your account has been inactive for some time. It is in your right to deny the aquisition, but only by showing consistent activity.

Items removed from your account will be compensated with Diamonds at the full value of the items. It is possible to reclaim your items by meeting with X, until the items have been sold to other accounts. [End] Account: β–“β–‘β–‘β–‘β–“β–“β–’β–‘β–’β–“β–’β–‘β–“β–’β–“β–’β–’β–“β–“β–“

The Prismatic Imperium values your contribution to the narrative and encourages your participation in its future. To ensure legacy items continue to empower players with their history and abilities, including ones related to the player, they are returned to the Diamond Market for recirculation. The Mysterious Broker X acts as a grace period of variable length. Legacy items are traded into his account for a time before offered to players on the Diamond Market. You can view his inventory here:

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
- List items
## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)