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ThumbnailHerald Kevin Massey

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - Good Morning Cubeo

The car you drive and the clothes you wear says alot about you. Not everyone can afford a Pluvia Pulse which is exactly why I drive one. You will never see me wearing anything other than custom designed and fashionable clothing by Mia Nguyen. It isn’t easy getting as wealthy or recognizable as I am. Of course I am going to flaunt it. I encourage you to do the same. It is a hard galaxy we live in and we need to communicate to bystanders that we are important.



Omnipol Agents are conducting a search for terrorists affiliated with Argentum. Anonymous information? Reply to this message with tip-off.

Temporary Station:
Quanzhou Banking Center, Cubeo

Search Epicenter in Capital City:
<:Missions:822864451258679327> Capital City Link
⌨ sᴋɪᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ

Capital City Outcome:
<:Buddy:1230307097158221935> 1892 Credential Scans
<:PlanetaryData:1230307102036328518> 0 Argentum Leads, 0 Arrests
<:PlanetaryData:1230307102036328518> 0 Bank of Bhilinool Leads, 0 Arrests

<:rp_alert:699854220337217536> Argentum has been registered as a terrorist threat to the galaxy due to numerous reported incidents resulting in significant loss of life. Any information that will lead to members of this threat is welcomed as a gesture of goodwill.

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Groundbreaking News: Abyssos Core Installation has broken ground into a hollow world! Tonight the Vector will expose the secrets of the universe.

Reports from a remote asteroid base near Cubeo III indicate a sudden surge in spacefaring archaeologists convinced that ancient alien civilizations have left behind interstellar recipes. These culinary adventurers claim to have discovered extraterrestrial cookbooks filled with bizarre ingredients and complex cooking techniques. As a result, some commanders are now trading in their cargo holds full of Palladium for rare spices and mysterious alien fruits. Critics argue that attempting to prepare dishes like 'Thargoid Tentacle Tempura' might have unintended consequences, but the culinary pioneers remain undeterred in their quest for the ultimate otherworldly feast.

Join us tonight for an exclusive journey through everything Chancellor Otto von Wolfsburg and his salamander wife doesn't want you to know. The Vector has you covered.

ThumbnailMarina Yao

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Nightly Transit

Apparently Vector viewers are spreading the rumor that forced self-driving vehicles are a plot by “big road” to make your trips longer. I can assure you this is not the case. In fact, self-driving cars almost always will get you to your destination faster than driving manually. There have been a few reports of Vector viewers intentionally sabotaging their autopilot computers in order to “show those big road companies who’s boss!” Unfortunately, all they have accomplished is damaging their own vehicles. 3 individuals have already been injured after destroying the autopilot systems in their Forced Self Driving vehicles while en route, resulting in accidents. Why anyone would damage their own car is beyond me…

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

Did you know that The People’s Media owes its greatness to unpaid interns? In his great benevolence, the Lord Herald takes such excellent care of their employees that they are willing to work without pay or sleep, fueled only by Cubean coffee at Sapphire Commerce Center. Tonight, on The Daily Chat, one of these interns will have an exclusive interview with Alicia Mellor as she applauds the kindness and generosity of the Lord Herald, and the hard work of all those who serve The People’s Media!

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Faction demands censoring all faces using eye implants. Tonight we take you into the mind of Axton Janel Rodney and expose the Deep Faction Agenda.

Our planet is no longer synchronized with the Galactic Time clock! Why? Well isn’t it obvious? The Branch of Sight has completely knocked our entire universe here in Cubeo completely out of whack. First they are hollowing out the inside of the planet using a deep core mine so large that the walls are made of magma. Second, they are planning to blow the moon in half to see what is inside.
And thirdly, they have plans to stop time altogether which would mean all progress would cease. This is exactly what they want. Don’t believe me? Ask our Lord Headmaster and see the denials you get! Common deflection tactic. But Corwin Ryan isn’t scared. He has a backup plan called the mysterious Cubeo VI!

Only Axton Janel Rodney is willing to challenge the Deep Faction. Join him tonight for an exclusive hour episode. Vector has you covered.

ThumbnailMarina Yao

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Nightly Transit

Some people have called the Aveen Nova 3301 a death trap. Having driven one myself, I can say these people are completely right. Loud, obnoxious, and more dangerous than landing an un-engineered sidewinder on Achenar III while blindfolded, the Aveen Nova 3301 is the perfect car for thrill seeking CMDRs. And don’t get me started on the LE version of the vehicle! They seemingly removed all of the miniscule safety features to make room for its simulated combustion engine. At least the engineers were sensible enough not to put a real combustion engine in the vehicle! Could you imagine? Still, I have to admit, the car makes up for its relative lack of speed with heart-pounding terror. You may be going only 65% of the speed of a pulse, but the existential fear for your life makes it feel like you’re going twice as fast!

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

Protests on Medupe have grown restless once again. Its organizer Robert Thomas has more to say on the topic. “This has gone too far! The Technological Center is employing outsiders and runaways like Emmi Delray who should be locked away for their disgraceful presence. We don’t want them there! Medupe has enough problems of its own. Low employment, high prices for commodities, disruptive CMDRs, and now a Technological Center which is negatively impacting all three of these issues!” The protesters claim that they may resort to assaults on the center should nothing change.

ThumbnailSight Journalism Department


Are you daring enough for an adventure? Then visit the 7D Cinema on Level 23 of the Emerald Observatory! We have everything from dodging flying Great Sabre Sharks to riding in a horde of Baltac Tigers! Book now and receive a coupon for your second visit because your first one is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience. Now featuring the famous Empire vs Federation battle of Achenar and the “Cookin’ Stuff with Style” interactive movie from the Brothers of Forculus.

ThumbnailHerald Kevin Massey

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - Good Morning Cubeo

Anyone can give up. It is the easiest thing in the galaxy to do. But to hold it together when the rest of the systems would understand if you fell apart… that’s true strength. As your Lord Herald, I know a word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than a whole holo-series of praises after a success. So hold your head high knowing I have faith in your ability.

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