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CMDR Yaseiko
29,939   27,261


Ruby Granduke

Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

Suppressed Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This specialty sidearm is popular for discrete operations due to the effective sound and muzzle flash suppression system integrated into the weapon. It temporarily isolates targeted security devices from their network.
x 3,000 (100%)
Forculus Chronometry Wrist Clock
Fabricated by the Forculus Brothers on Irrational Exuberance in the Forculus System, this highly luxurious time piece is designed specifically for classy individuals from the Federation of Independent Pilots. They are intentionally rare to protect their value while knockoff versions are more common. Some designs are susceptible to gravitational fluctuation but this model only simulates traditional function with clockwork. The display itself is holographic. Supporters of the product may get a significant boon to relations with its maker.
x 2,000 (100%)
Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system.
x 1,000 (100%)
Diamond Ring Memory Bank
This large diamond can hold a Terabyte of data beamed into its structure. While not secure, the ring can easily avoid detection during espionage missions. The largest drawback of this style of memory storage is that data cannot be edited, only deleted.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. It can be exchanged with a Used Memory Bank if there is data on it that is worth selling or delivering.]
x 800 (100%)
💾 Diamond Market Hack - Brown
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
💾 Diamond Market Hack - White
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
Asellus Deflector Pistol
Light Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech pistol built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 45,000 (100%)
Rodent Population Regulator
The Rodent Population Regulator emits high frequency sounds which will reduce the population of rapid reproducing critters including rats and exotic Trumbles. Once the number of effected creatures has reached a predetermined threshold the emitter will focus on discouraging reproduction. While still in experimental stages, the Rodent Population Regulator has shown favorable results among Trumble owners, their pets well known to explode in numbers over night.
x 500 (100%)
Prism Plated Dress
[+5 Charisma Defense]
Utility Slots: 2
This attire is a respectable fashion statement for imperial citizens in public. It provides low defense and high style. It can be worn in conjunction with armor modifiers. It is popular among nobility and celebrities.
x 14,500 (100%)
CryoMed Health Pack
[Reusable Health Kit for Squad]

This pack contains cutting-edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. The wearer of the pack can assist the entire squad as the items are not disposable making it an excellent choice for a dedicated medic. The pack is however heavy, greatly reducing agility.
x 1,200 (100%)
Ergon Burst Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spread] [Spray] [Bash]
Weight: 16 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Initially a shotgun, this rare weapon was modified into a burst-fire assault rifle with a large ammunition drum and a medium-range scope. It is a highly prized item for rare weapon collectors.
x 40,000 (100%)
Dominator Vambrace
[Heavyweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1

This is Manticore's guard for the forearm. It is incredibly strong against thermal and kinetic attacks, constructed from the most durable metals and plastics. It is lined with smart fabrics that allow power to reach any wrist-mounted computer displays or lights. Guards like these are best paired with armors like Manticore's Dominator Suit to maximize the user's defensive potential on the battlefield.
x 4,000 (100%)
Bi-Weave Shield Generator
Heavy Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 300 (150 single hit)
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay

This personal suit integrated shield continuously protects the user from lasers and projectiles when active. Double the weave structures mean double the passive shield recharge at the cost of overall strength meaning it can take more hits from isolated sources, but less from a heavy attack. It can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank or increased in power by any form of shield booster. It is vulnerable to EMP attacks.
x 20,000 (100%)
Tactical Boots
[Improves Armor Defense]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment is heavily armored giving the user significant protection from kinetic and explosive attacks. While it reduces agility, when combined with tactical jackets it will improve strength.
x 5,000 (100%)
Flash Bang Grenade
Disorienting Weapon
+ Damage
This single use device can disorient unsuspecting opponents by disrupting their vision and hearing for some time by creating a bright flash of light and concussive blast. Drones are not impacted.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 100 (100%)
Chaff Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of light weight tracking disruptors making the user nearly invulnerable to enemy drones, visual assistant systems, and sensors by wildly expanding the user's heat signature. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.
x 100 (100%)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Explosive Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can ensure a great deal of damage to a rather large area. It is twice as effective against unshielded targets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 500 (100%)
Croft Edge Marauder
Class: Utility
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 57 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Federal trucks are easy to customize due to their standardized components which is why it is common to find them on the frontier as expendable recon vessels. The Marauder is a typical R2 turret mounted to an armored Croft Edge with heat sink launchers, a great off road vehicle. It is illegal to drive in Cubeo.
x 33,800 (100%)
Marcus DiPalo Autohack LVL 04
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

Marcus DiPalo's customized AutoHack LvL 04 will hack any security Level 04 system, particularly Defense Grids and Quantum Networks. It is a cheap alternative to the RaidSys variant.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (120%)
Personal Gadget

Installed in a utility slot, this small device can represent anything commercial from simple audio speakers to full media suites, simple clocks to full personal computers. While useful for their intended functions, these generic personal gadgets do not perform any actions that would aid directly in the abilities of the user. They integrate flawlessly into smart clothing or armors and are durable and reliable.
x 10 (100%)
Vigor Shield Booster
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this device triples (300%) the capacity and charge of shield defenses at the cost of a tremendous heat surge. A burst shield requires activation prior to the burst but can be used at anytime with a shield generator. It has no effect on kinetic shields or thermal weapons. It is awarded to accomplished Vigor agents being more powerful than conventional models but with reduced integrity. Shields cannot exceed the capacity of the largest equipped booster.
x 1,500 (100%)
⊘ Overdrive
Extracted from the juice of mollusks from Shente A 5, this liquid grants a brief enhancement to awareness and dexterity, giving the sensation of time slowing down. It allows the user to perform actions in quick succession but quickly wears off with an onset of fatigue. It is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[Grants double actions for one turn.]
[Causes fatigue for the next turn.]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 4,340 (124%)



Automated Turret K1
Medium Kinetic Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Spray] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed computer-operated multi-cannon will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Automated Turret L1
Medium Thermal Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Precise] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light framed computer operated pulse laser will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Automated Turret R1
Medium Explosive Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Splash] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed, computer-operated rocket pod will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a slow firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Automated Turret S1
Medium Kinetic Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Spread] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed, computer-operated shotgun will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Aveen Nova LE
Class: Sport
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 90 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Aveen are no strangers to pumping out custom car designs and the Nova is no exception. It is fast, dangerous, and terribly noisy compared to other cars of the century but it does look stylish. This customized version is very loud by design, utilizing methods to simulate a combustion engine for maximum statement.
x 70,000 (100%)
Ballistic Computer
This device interfaces with any long range weapons or targeting systems and is used to convert environmental data and target information into a trajectory correction the user can apply to strike a target. For kinetic weapons the device will provide an aiming reticle that corrects what would otherwise be a missed shot by compensating for air resistance, thermals, gravitational pull, among numerous other factors. For thermal, the computer will provide optimal targeting points to maximize the shot based on factors like distance and thermal resistance.
x 1,000 (100%)
Camera Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
500m Range | 8hr Battery

This device is a compact media capture unit with a high-powered recorder, ideal for private journalists. It provides excellent aerial coverage for events and can operate for 8 hours within a 500-meter range of the user.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant
Neurological Augmentation required]
x 1,000 (100%)
Combat Drone
Medium Kinetic Weapon | Manual Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
300m Range | 8hr Battery

This device is a portable instrument of war, featuring twin multi-cannons, point defense, and basic sensors. Though not highly agile, it effectively defends the user and suppresses hostiles.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller required]
x 10,000 (100%)
Croft Pyre Scourge
Class: Off Road
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 41 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Some Federal budget cars find themselves outfitted by criminals and rebels for cheap alternatives to military vehicles. The Scurge is a customized Pyre designed for off road combat and is upgraded with a battery, small weapon mount and chaff launchers. It is illegal to drive in Cubeo.
x 20,700 (100%)
Crystal Memory Bank
This high-tech device is capable of storing a Exabyte of encrypted data making it an ideal way to transport secure information outside of your ship. Missions requiring data delivery in person will require a memory storage device of some kind so it is a good idea to keep at least one on hand.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. It can be exchanged with a Used Memory Bank if there is data on it that is worth selling or delivering.]
x 500 (100%)
DJ Rupey Performance Ticket
Ticket to see DJ Rupey perform on [Date], digital copy and physical.

x 0 (0%)
Diamond Ring Memory Bank
This large diamond can hold a Terabyte of data beamed into its structure. While not secure, the ring can easily avoid detection during espionage missions. The largest drawback of this style of memory storage is that data cannot be edited, only deleted.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. It can be exchanged with a Used Memory Bank if there is data on it that is worth selling or delivering.]
x 800 (100%)
Dragonfly Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
100m Range | 8hr Battery

The Dragonfly is a drone hunter designed to latch onto and disable small enemy drones and turrets with a critical burst of shock damage. Only the spy drone can escape its claws. It's slightly larger than a Sentry Drone and cannot carry additional armaments due to the weight of its battery.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant Neurological Augmentation required]
x 6,500 (100%)
Drone Operation Computer
Required for programming, launching, and controlling drones or self driving vehicles, this handheld device has all of the software required for drone operations. While drone operation control rooms full of displays and relays are the norm, the DOC makes drone missions possible while in the field. When pairing to a vehicle, it must be capable of self driving for remote control to be possible.

[The DOC must be paired to one drone and cannot be changed while in combat]
[Only one DOC can be equipped at a time]
x 500 (100%)
Forculus HoloCard
For the odd individual with an appreciation of the simple things, or perhaps a sense of humor, the HoloCard will surprise your friends with 3D projected confetti, music, and a video recording from you! The card itself is only a few inches wide and celebrates the otherwise uninteresting Forculus system with an animated image of its only habitable city, Irrational Exuberance.
x 3 (60%)
GalNet Victory
Class: Commercial [Branch of Sight]
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 19 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 8 (24)
GalNet Embedded Systems and Scanner Dynamics cooperated on this research vessel in 2982. It is a mobile laboratory for remote world projects. It has no integrated defense systems but is well armored against environmental hazards and wildlife. It is restricted from public roads due to size.
x 8,000 (100%)
Herculean Data Bank
This sixteen pound commercial storage device can hold 100 Yottabytes worth of encrypted data making it the largest durable memory bank available. It is designed to be compatible with Jick Nackson Enterprises software for CMDRs with space vessels, or within a corporate computer terminal. They are not intended for portable use.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider.]
x 5,000 (100%)
Holo-Me Extender
This equipment can be installed at your location to extend your Holo-Me interaction ability in CMDR rented locations outside of the Diamond Plaza Hub. It is also useful for interacting with certain characters securely, especially characters in shadow.

Use this item to make your communications more secure as Holo-Me operates on a quantum network. The only way a hacker can intercept your transmission is by using an Encryption Cracking Unit.
x 500 (100%)
HoloStream Recorder
This device is essential for those wanting to film for the highest quality streams of Aisling Media, specifically The People's Media. It can also be used to start your career as a reporter by getting direct access to the live stream while on location of the action.
Consider owning one of these if you are trying to sell a story to Alicia Mellor.
x 100 (100%)
Mega-Darko Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Darko Matahna, known to his people as Afolabi Chinweuba Baako Darkomatej. He battled against the Prismatic Imperium with a grenade launcher and the strength of twenty soldiers. He grabbed an Imperial Fighter out of the sky and tossed it aside.
x 89 (178%)
Military Combat Drone
Medium Thermal Weapon | Manual Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
500m Range | 8hr Battery

This device is the military version of the combat drone. It features twin pulse cannons, point defense, and advanced sensors. While not the most agile, the drone does a superb job of defending the user while laying down suppression fire on hostiles. It has more armor than the mercenary packages.

[Drone Operation Controller required]
x 800 (100%)
Paesan Daisey
Class: Quadricycle
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 16 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this tiny car is basically twice the width of the Pansie, adding enough room for a center console storage, two cup holders, and a fire extinguisher. Not all elevators will permit them so be sure to inspect weight capacity.
x 5,600 (100%)
Paesan Pansie
Class: Quadricycle
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 12 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 1
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this tiny car is not to be taken lightly as driving them on streets almost guarantees a traffic collision. It does have its benefits and is cheap. A convertible version is half the weight. Most businesses don't allow them indoors.
x 2,800 (100%)
Prototype Sniper Drone
Heavy Kinetic Weapon | Manual Control
++++ Damage | 1km Range | 8hr Battery
This is an experimental variation of the combat drone designed by CMDR Sinkarma. It has been stripped down to essential components to support a single kinetic sniper rifle with enhanced sensors from a camera drone. It has no point defense and incredibly low agility but the firepower, while limited, is incredibly effective. Despite its large size it can be carried by the user. Squad sight from an ELS is ideal for coordinated attacks.
[Drone Operation Controller required]
x 30,000 (100%)
Rami-Fox Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR Jessica Ramirez who helped save the Prismatic Imperium from Syndicate Armies, even cutting the evil Malco Oxroy in two! She leaves abominations of her own making behind everywhere she goes.
x 92 (184%)
Rodent Population Regulator
The Rodent Population Regulator emits high frequency sounds which will reduce the population of rapid reproducing critters including rats and exotic Trumbles. Once the number of effected creatures has reached a predetermined threshold the emitter will focus on discouraging reproduction. While still in experimental stages, the Rodent Population Regulator has shown favorable results among Trumble owners, their pets well known to explode in numbers over night.
x 500 (100%)
Rupey Bear Thank You Card
This is a personlised 'Thank You' card from Lady Rupey Bear for donating clothing on such a special occassion of the Imperial Initiative Clothing Donation Drive.

[Written contents of the card can be viewed when equiped.]
x 0 (0%)
Rupey-Bunny Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Princess Rupey Bear, host of Prismatic Media News and influential member of the Branch of Mind during her service to the Prismatic Imperium. Her management of various properties in Cubeo has earned her a positive reputation.
x 60 (120%)
Sentry Drone
Light Thermal Weapon | Semi-Auto Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
100m Range | 4hr Battery

This device is a compact personal support unit armed with a small pulse laser and basic sensors. It detects hostiles and alerts allies to unidentified signatures, excluding enemy spy drones due to their size.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller required]
x 5,000 (100%)
Sharp-Lavigny Wedding Holocard
This small holocard is only a few inches across. When activated, it releases 3D projected flowers, plays wedding music, and displays a holovid of the dancing couple. The card proudly announces the marriage of Holly Sharp; the daughter of a wealthy businessman and Raphaël Lavigny; a distant relative of the Emperor. On 25-12-3307, this card was given to CMDRs who assisted one of Holly's fathers - Nadine Sharp - in acquiring Suits and Dresses for bridesmaids and groomsmen of Holly's wedding after the original shipment was stolen by pirates.
x 50,000 (10%)
Simulation Clone Drive
Herculean Machines created this small structure for Utopian consumption. It stores several Petabytes worth of data which includes a life-like Holo-Me with 1:1 muscle and sensory simulation as well as all gear currently equipped with the exception of anything worn on the back.

[This drive requires the Holo-Haptic Avatar Gear equipped before it will virtually clone your gear for simulation use. It must be equipped in the simulation as well.]
x 300 (100%)
Sink-Snek Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Sinkarma who survived an explosion in her bakery. After becoming a half cyborg, she blasted her way through the Prismatic Imperium's enemies using a terrifying plasma cannon and a full dose of rage.
x 5 (10%)
Sparta-Kurt Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Kurt Austin who battled his way through the entire Void War, lead the Duke's forces, and ultimately helped the Prismatic Imperium defeat Patrick Rivers with his trusty sniper rifle.
x 40 (80%)
Spenny-Isaak Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Spencer Isaak who terrorized the Cubeo System, destroyed the Law of Ladd, and ran CMDRs on a wild goose chase in a hunt for Raxxla. He coined the popular phrase "Song of the Void" but nobody had any idea what he was talking about most of the time.
x 59 (118%)
Tee-Tee Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR TTMJ, a cyborg trained for chaos and destruction who pledged himself to the Prismatic Imperium as an embargo enforcer for the Branch of Mind. His mechanical arms have untold strength. His engagement to Baron Cecilia Harris, his partner during his heroic victory in The Baltac Hunt are among his public achievements.
x 74 (148%)
This exotic pet is cute and fluffy, resembling a soft pillow. The Trumble is a low maintenance creature that feeds from microbes while emitting cute chirps from time to time. Popular with children, these gentle fuzzballs are often genetically modified to be vibrant colors and can even be spotted or striped. They can reproduce asexually under the right conditions which is useful if you are looking for a specific pattern or color for a gift pet.
x -10 (100%)
Vodel Wrasses SRV B-78
Class: Off-Road [Branch of Vigor]
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 40 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1
Vodel, subsidiary of Core Dynamics created this scouting vehicle in 3285. Now obsolete by the more versatile Scarab from the same manufacturer, the Wrasses remains a well armored and capable assault car built for off-road purposes. It is equipped with 2 pulse lasers and HS Missiles.
x 8,000 (100%)
Wise-Sphere Companion
No Weapons | Automatic Control
No Damage | 500m Range | 8hr Battery
Universal Cartographics acquired the baseball sized Wise-Sphere design after the original corporation went under. Since then there have been numerous improvements to the Wise-Sphere companion, a floating orb designed as a simple companion to children, colonists, and explorers. The Wise-Sphere can be limited to making simple chirps and beeps but some can include a full vocabulary to go along with their simple personalities. They are not sentient but are intelligent enough to be a convincing friend.
x 500 (100%)
💾 Copied Mongoose S3 Directives
Crystal Memory Bank with an installation script for adding custom directives to a captured Mongoose Drone. The installation process takes a minute but expires after an hour. This is useful for temporarily capturing enemy S3 Mongoose Drones after wiping their directives with a successful hack.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 3,000 (100%)
💾 Kingpin Report
Herculean Data Bank full of information copied by Kaylee Yaseiko.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 500 (100%)
Angelic Defense Coat
[+5 Wisdom Defense]
Utility Slots: 3
This layered coat takes advantage of cutting-edge technology to provide high defense and high style. It features 2 utility slots for defense improvements and can be worn in conjunction with armor modifiers. It is popular among mercenaries and smugglers.
x 5,000 (100%)
Auto Field Maintenance Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will repair malfunctioned gear, armor, accessories, and other utility modules at the cost of heavy heat buildup. It will prolong combat and exploratory missions. The device cannot repair itself and will further cannibalize itself with each sequential use. At least one is recommended during prolonged missions as armor integrated utility units are prone to regular malfunctions.
x 500 (100%)
Chaff Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of light weight tracking disruptors making the user nearly invulnerable to enemy drones, visual assistant systems, and sensors by wildly expanding the user's heat signature. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.
x 100 (100%)
Conventional Gimbal Lamp
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this handy lamp produces illumination wherever the user is looking by rotating on a 2 axis gimbal system. Despite the small size, it produces enough lumens to reach 80m with a very low spread and can last for hours. Being more of a penlight, it is not rated in the same category as a handheld torch but it gets the job done. It creates insignificant levels of heat and is very reliable.
x 50 (100%)
Conventional Jacket
[Lightweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1
Ability: This jacket can provide basic resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This smart-wired jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. It provides some much-needed protection for a street-smart pilot.
x 100 (100%)
Conventional Shield Booster
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device quickly doubles (200%) the capacity and charge of shield defenses at the cost of a tremendous heat surge. When using a burst shield it requires activation prior to the burst but can be used at anytime when using a shield generator. It has no effect on kinetic shields or thermal weapons. The users shields cannot exceed the capacity of the largest equipped shield booster.
x 750 (25%)
Electronic Ghost Generator
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device generates frequencies known to interfere with perception. Hallucinations and paranormal sounds will cause everyone within 100 meters to become delirious including the user. None who hear are ever immune to the effects, no matter how tough they are. Effects extend to visual assist programs but drones are immune as fabricated visuals do not conflict with tracking hostiles.
x 30,000 (100%)
Environmental Layout Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will map out landscapes and structures and store the information in a memory device. It can allow the user to see building layouts during combat missions and occasionally give an explorer valuable insight to the environment. It will not detect people or animals.
x 1,000 (200%)
Hacking System
Cores Processors: 5 [d20s]

This computer grants the tools for hacking devices when plugged in. Devices include doors to security networks up to security level 5. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories. When paired with someone using a hacking extender, it can hack anything they point at.

[1-Doors] [2-Surveillance]
[3-Defense Systems] [4-Turret Grids]
x 5,800 (100%)
Harnessed Jacket
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 2
Ability: This jacket can provide resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This improved jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. The strengthened pockets and expansion points are popular for well-geared pilots looking for a casual option for defense.
x 700 (100%)
Havok Jetpack
[Agility Booster]

Unlike typical zero-g thruster systems, Havok and Sons crafted a device that performs well in microgravity and atmospheric worlds up to 1.5g. It provides a vertical advantage on planets and enhances user agility in low gravity or space. However, it's limited to short bursts and prone to overheating with prolonged use. Despite this, it's lighter than comparable models.
x 7,000 (100%)
Heat Sink Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will pull heat from all personal items and other utility modules before discharging it in a small disk. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. The user can avoid detection from sensors and use devices with heavy heat creation. Disks can become hot projectiles if abused.
x 300 (100%)
Kill Warrant Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will scan individuals and compile bounty information as well as identify any registered citizen. It is a popular tool for bounty hunters and security personnel. It creates very little heat and will last through any mission.
x 750 (25%)
Medium Frame Exo-Suit
[-30 lb]
Utility Slots: 3

The exo-suit is a wearable mobile machine powered by various technologies, enhancing limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The medium frame version strikes a balance, enabling relatively fast movement while assisting with heavy lifting. It reduces the weight of attached gear by an average amount, making it suitable for soldiers, bounty hunters, and criminals.
x 20,000 (100%)
Personal Gadget

Installed in a utility slot, this small device can represent anything commercial from simple audio speakers to full media suites, simple clocks to full personal computers. While useful for their intended functions, these generic personal gadgets do not perform any actions that would aid directly in the abilities of the user. They integrate flawlessly into smart clothing or armors and are durable and reliable.
x 10 (100%)
Remlok Flight Suit
[Base Gear]
Remlok's iconic flight suit has become the staple uniform for countless pilots of all professions. Such is its success that even the Pilots' Federation supplies new Commanders with the suit as standard.

This suit can be worn under any clothing, granting environmental protection from extreme temperatures and hazards such as rapid depressurization and extreme blood loss.

☀︎ [Provided by the Diamond Market]
x 0 (0%)
Smart Autoinjector Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will automatically administer controlled dosages of customized drugs in response to a variety of needs. This is achieved by a computer controlled needle system connected to drug canisters within its casing. Drugs range from adrenaline to bio-weapon defense agents. The device can also be triggered manually by the user.
[This device is loaded with 3 Generic Drug Cartridges allowing three uses per session.]
x 5,000 (100%)
Stealth Boots
[Improves Stealth]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment muffles sound caused by movement over a variety of terrain thanks to the work of computer-regulated gel pads. While making the user silent it gives no armor benefits.
x 4,000 (80%)
Tactical Armor
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 5
Ability: This armor can provide resistance to thermal, kinetic, and explosive attacks.

This high-quality combat armor was popular among Isaak's Elite Squad. It provides high defense and medium style. The wearer is agile and quiet while carrying conveniently accessible slots for ammunition, grenades, and clips for weapons. It features 5 utility slots for defense improvements and is popular among independent mercenaries.
x 17,000 (100%)
Voice Enhancer
[+5 Wisdom Defense] [Voice Distortion]

This compact face-worn device modifies and distorts vocal projection for disguises and specific scenarios. It's essential for missions requiring anonymity.

💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 800 (100%)
BD90 Warhammer
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Splash]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This overpowered shotgun would harm the user if it were not for the assistance of recoil-reducting micro-burst thrusters. It fires a volley of scary-sized beads turning every engagement aftermath into a pressure wash clean-up.
x 44,800 (140%)
Callaghan Auto Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This standard Callaghan sidearm is a must-have for personal defense for anyone when outside of the security of installations. It is a reliable weapon that uses common types of ammunition making it simple to use and maintain.
x 100 (100%)
Callaghan Revolver
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Duel]
Weight: 2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This revolving cylinder-styled sidearm packs a punch and is popular in many frontier worlds where a show of force is the primary means of maintaining control. The weapon is developed by Callaghan Firearms and is known for being reliable and accurate. It fires a large caliber projectile.
x 3,500 (100%)
Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade
Utility/Laser Weaponry Countermeasure
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can eliminate functionality of utilities, energy shields, and laser weaponry in a large area. It is also useful for destroying drones, vehicles, and turrets, larger drones like the Mongoose will require more to take down. Effective for the duration of a battle.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (100%)
Evex Long Barrel Laser Pistol
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Duel]
Weight: 12 lb
Ability: Attacks may overheat targets. Critical (10) can set enemies on fire.

This outdated weapon represents a time when Imperials needed the biggest guns while flying the largest ships. Now that there are restrictions placed on the size of warships, the culture that popularized this weapon has vanished making it popular with collectors.
x 30,000 (100%)
Flash Bang Grenade
Disorienting Weapon
+ Damage
This single use device can disorient unsuspecting opponents by disrupting their vision and hearing for some time by creating a bright flash of light and concussive blast. Drones are not impacted.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 100 (100%)
Force Projector
Melee Force Weapon
Attacks: [Bash]
Weight: 40 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This heavy tool is used to breach ship canopies. The projector can be pressed against a surface to blast it with tremendous force, often breaking through it. It takes time to reload the force canister but is effective at creating new passages, getting past doors, smashing walker drones, and capturing ships.
x 24,000 (100%)
Forculus NDA-44
Light Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus]
Weight: 0.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Smugglers in the Forculus system made this battery-operated weapon popular because it is almost too small to hold making it easy to smuggle into places that prohibit weapons. It is commonly used to kill bounty hunters under the table.
x 600 (100%)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Explosive Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can ensure a great deal of damage to a rather large area. It is twice as effective against unshielded targets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 500 (100%)
Galspec 109 Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Precise] [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 36 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for versatility in the hands of a marksman and features an integrated computer that alters the weapon specifications for a variety of situations, such as penetrating cover or draining energy shields. A suppressor/audio mask can be toggled.
x 42,000 (140%)
Karma AR-50
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14.4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this automatic kinetic rifle built by Kinematic Armaments is a solid all-rounder with comparatively good power and range. It is excellent at tearing through armored targets and is popular among soldiers and mercs.
x 5,600 (80%)
Karma P-15
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this popular kinetic firearm manufactured by Kinematic Armaments is a semi-automatic pistol with low recoil and a high fire rate, offset by comparatively low damage output. It is highly effective against unshielded targets, especially ones with low armor.
x 6,250 (125%)
Manticore Executioner
Heavy Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this semi-automatic long-range plasma rifle with high damage output and a low rate of fire is the perfect complement to a trained marksman. Its slow velocity projectiles make it difficult for large distances, though when ambushing it is incredibly effective.
x 14,000 (100%)
Manticore Intimidator
Medium Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Bash]
Weight: 12 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this Manticore-built semi-automatic plasma shotgun delivers a hefty blow but suffers from limited ammo and high recoil. It's highly effective at short range, favored by strikers for close-quarters combat.
x 5,600 (80%)
Manticore Oppressor
Medium Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this automatic plasma rifle built by Manticore balances a high fire rate with comparatively modest damage output. It is popular among organized soldiers and mercenaries.
x 5,600 (80%)
Manticore Tormentor
Light Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Duel]
Weight: 4.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this six-shot plasma pistol built by Manticore is fairly effective against both shields and armor, but its relatively low rate of fire, low ammo capacity, and fairly short effective range limit its utility. It has a long travel time as well. It is most useful for quickly finishing off opponents at closer ranges.
x 5,600 (80%)
Marcus DiPalo Autohack LVL 04
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

Marcus DiPalo's customized AutoHack LvL 04 will hack any security Level 04 system, particularly Defense Grids and Quantum Networks. It is a cheap alternative to the RaidSys variant.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (120%)
Nisara Multitech Burst Shield
Medium Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay, No Delay if Powered

An alternate defense option in extended combat, this shield will deploy from a belt and defend the wearer from thermal and kinetic attacks for a limited number of hits by integrating with the user's armor. It can be recharged quickly using a shield cell booster. This model can be continuously charged when connected to a power system assuming one is conveniently accessible.
x 25,000 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 01
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 01 will hack any security Level 01 system, particularly doors or personal computers.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 100 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03 will hack any security Level 03 system, particularly Networks and Turrets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 600 (100%)
Remlok Pack
This kit can be a real lifesaver as it is the most advanced technology for prolonging life in an event of decompression. It has preserved lives of pilots blown out into space without a pressurized suit, though it is not recommended for such extremes.

[This item is used during decompression when the user is wearing gear inadequate for hostile environments. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,000 (100%)
Shock Grenade
Heavy Force Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can throw opponents to the ground with a massive shockwave of force. It is used to knock targets prone or force them out of cover. It is also effective against small aerial drones as the force will crash them.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 150 (100%)
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Bash]
Weight: 10 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon is excellent for close-quarter combat and is popular among soldiers who prefer to hit the enemy with slugs propelled by a brutal kick.
x 800 (80%)
Suppressed Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This specialty sidearm is popular for discrete operations due to the effective sound and muzzle flash suppression system integrated into the weapon. It temporarily isolates targeted security devices from their network.
x 3,000 (100%)
TK Aphelion
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this automatic laser rifle built by Takada compensates for average damage output with excellent accuracy. It is highly effective at stripping enemy shields from range and is popular among soldiers and mercs.
x 5,600 (80%)
Tactical Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst] [Spray]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This versatile handgun is popular among interstellar mercenaries and soldiers due to its lightweight and durability. The firearm is incredibly accurate with minimal kick and supports high-capacity ammo clips. It can function like an SMG. It is effective against light armored targets.
x 4,000 (100%)
Tyrant Thorn SMG
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Sweep]
Weight: 5.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This rare SMG design was utilized by the Tyrant Thorn Mercenaries led by Hallos Williams during their pledge to Monty Erickson and the Varangian Syndicate. It is designed by Dawley Kinetics as a custom order to unleash electronically fired rounds rapidly with a minimal loss of accuracy.
x 30,000 (100%)
⊘ Crom Silver Fesh
Variant of the synthetic psychoactive drug based on a closely guarded secret recipe. While active, it causes the user to lock their teeth together and rapidly exhale, a reaction that led to its street name, Fesh. This variant was created from a stolen recipe for Wolf 1301 Fesh and is the closest Fesh variant in terms of quality to the original. Banned in most jurisdictions. It is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[+35 Strength] [-50 Charisma, Wisdom, Luck]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 3,900 (130%)
⊘ Geawen Dance Dust
There may be no sound in space, but Geawen Dance Dust will bring the music inside your cockpit, and inside your head. You literally won't be able to stop dancing.

User may experience impaired judgement. Geawen Dance Dust is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[+20 Dexterity] [-20 Wisdom, Luck]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 264 (132%)
⊘ Lyrae Weed
This infamous drug grown exclusively on 16 Lyrae 5 is still the narcotic of choice for overpaid celebrities and the super-rich. It has almost become more of a status symbol than a recreational drug.

User may experience reduced reaction time and impaired judgement. Lyrae Weed is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[+35 Charisma] [-20 Dexterity, Wisdom]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 330 (132%)
⊘ Montrona Experience Jelly
A programmable narcotic created in small batches and pre-programmed to provide whatever experience the client wishes to hallucinate. Usually this drug is created only on a bespoke order from an unknown client, but some worlds are willing to sell Pre-programmed samples on the general market. It is illegal in the Prismatic Imperium as declared by the Lord Herald.

[+35 Luck] [-10 Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 612 (122%)
⊘ Onion Head
The Onion Head flower is native to HIP 55118, and its seeds contain the well-known psychedelic narcotic. Illegal in most jurisdictions.

User may experience reduced reaction time, psychedelic experiences, and impaired judgement. Onion Head is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[+25 Charisma] [-25 Strength, Wisdom, Dexterity]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 211 (141%)
⊘ Tarach Spice
Made from crushed beetles, this mild euphoric drug has a number of side effects including turning the whites of addicts' eyes a subtle shade of green. Widely illegal, but favored in many anarchic systems where the green eyes are seen as a badge of an extreme lifestyle. User may experience impaired judgement and perception. Tarach Spice is illegal in the Cubeo System.

[+35 Dexterity] [-20 Wisdom, Charisma]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 400 (100%)
💎 Sinkarma's Plasma Cannon
Heavy Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Splash] [Salvo]
Weight: 95.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Designed by CMDR Sinkarma, this deadly iteration of the plasma cannon is supercharged. It is difficult to aim and is a threat to everyone including the user.
💀 [Exo-Suit recommended for this object]
x 50,000 (100%)
mission items
Astronomical Data
A digital collection of highly compressed data related to a solar system as observed from space. It includes a full visual and statistical chart as well as simple planetary data which could benefit future expeditions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,200 (100%)
Biological Containment System
A portable aquarium for the research of small fauna collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. The creatures are uncontaminated and ready for further study at a laboratory or sell to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.age.
x 8,500 (100%)
Carbon Samples
Nonmetallic chemical element including graphite and diamond collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 300 (100%)
Confiscated Items
An assortment of personal property that have been obtained by corporations or security enforcers via confiscation. These items range from consumer technology to clothing. Confiscated items can be resold with no questions asked, if you have the appropriate buyers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 3,490 (100%)
Corrupted Data
A digital file that has nothing of value that is discernible among a massive sea of encrypted code. Even if a program managed to crack it, the data within would likely be gibberish, a common tactic for overwriting otherwise sensitive data.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 125 (100%)
Evermore Nation Token
x 1 (100%)
Explosive Materials
Substances making up a natural or manufactured explosive product which can include improvised explosives, military ordinance, or chemical compounds that are liable to create a violent reaction when subjected to vulnerable conditions. Many of these materials are illegal in this state but can be valuable to interested buyers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,200 (100%)
FSD Jump Permit
A small encrypted data bank that authorizes legal usage of the frame shift drive by a registered pilot to a predetermined location. While CMDRs are immune to such monetized regulations, greedy corporations attempting to profit from interstellar travel have made it easier for system security to keep track of vessels which comes in handy when a stranded pilot is in need of assistance.

The FSD Jump Permit is a required item for non CMDR interstellar expeditions.
x 1 (100%)
Industrial Polymer Fabric
Industrial grade synthetic fabric created from complex monomers that when combined create a durable material. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners and flight suits for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as hazard suits, radiation shielding, and shock absorption. The material is resistant to electrical shock and extreme weather.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 5,300 (100%)
Manufacturing Schematics
Stolen schematics for a product developed by a private corporation. Due to the secretive nature of corporate manufacturing, it would be unwise to keep this in your inventory for very long. Corporations will often employ ruthless assassins to ensure their confidential property remains out of the hands of their business competition.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 10,000 (100%)
Metallic Samples
Metallic ores collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 600 (100%)
Microbial Containment System
A portable aquarium for the research of microorganisms collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further study at a laboratory or sell to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 8,500 (100%)
Military Polymer Fabric
Military grade synthetic fabric created from complex layered polymer weaves. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners designed for combat and extreme environments. It has the ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as high capacity cables, soft armor, and heat dispersion. The material is resistant to thermal and kinetic damage.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 8,720 (100%)
Mineral Samples
A physical collection of mineral fragments gathered by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further study at a laboratory or sell to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 7,400 (100%)
Miniaturized Battery Cells
Small power cells that are used to charge the capacitors of handheld weapons and mining tools. They are most often utilized in laser instruments and could be used for maintaining them. These are not new which means they were probably pulled from discontinued tools or confiscated laser rifles.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,000 (100%)
Miniaturized Focus Crystals
Complex instruments that are used to direct and concentrate directed energy systems for handheld weapons or mining tools. They are most often utilized in laser instruments and could be used for maintaining them. These are not new which means they were probably pulled from discontinued tools or confiscated laser rifles.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 4,480 (100%)
Modified Security Firmware
Adaptive read only software for security systems that have been modified from the intended parameters set by the designer. This allows the user to customize their terminals for a wide range of operations, both taboo and outright illegal. It is commonly used for criminal activity such as bypassing security systems or making a terminal anonymous but there are plenty of exceptions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,130 (100%)
Personal Belongings
A standard shipping unit filled with an assortment of items that once belonged to someone. Contents range from clothing, crafts, musical instruments, to family treasures.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 4,890 (100%)
Planetary Data
A digital collection of highly compressed data related to a planetary body as seen from space. It includes a full visual and statistical map as well as astronomical data related to the planet which could benefit surface expeditions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 800 (100%)
Precipitate Samples
Fluids collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 500 (100%)
Prototype Sample
Illegally obtained from a corporation, this product currently in secretive development now rest in your hands. An item this sensitive is sure to have significant value to a business competitor at the risk of assassins or lawyers targeting you. It would be wise to get it out of your hands as soon as possible.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 24,200 (100%)
Radioactive Isotope Samples
Radioactive Isotopes collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,000 (100%)
Research Permit
A small encrypted data bank that authorizes legal exploration by a registered pilot within a system. While CMDRs are immune to such monetized regulations, these permits help the scientific community avoid disputes between property owners, space lanes, and other explorers . It also is a means for authorities to locate missing parties should they not return home as the permit narrows down the search.

The Research Permit is a required item for non CMDR exploration expeditions.
x 100 (100%)
Salvaged Jewelry
A collection of various jewels, rings, bracelets, earrings, watches, and necklaces crafted from various metals. Salvage material like this does not show up everyday.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 10,307 (100%)
Scrap Metal
Common salvage material collected from debris fields or crash sites, scrap metal is purchased by most refineries for reprocessing into new ingots.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,040 (100%)
Ship Log Data
Digital archive of vessels that were detected by sensors from a navigation beacon, planetary settlement, or space station. Information contained includes vessel makes, names, and pilots as well as their flight patterns. It can come in handy for bounty hunters, security organizations, or corporations with nefarious intentions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,500 (100%)
Small Fauna Data
A digital archive of fauna collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on smaller variants of animals discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,600 (100%)
Small Flora Data
A digital archive of flora collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on smaller variants of plants discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,500 (100%)
Standard Polymer Fabric
High grade synthetic fabric created from layered polymer weaves. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as heated bedding, 3D printing, and electronically charged glass repair. The material is puncture proof making it ideal for protection against knives.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 560 (100%)
Tactical Intelligence
Crystal Memory Bank storing information required by military field commanders and officers so they can plan for and, if necessary, conduct combat operations. This data can include enemy force compositions and movements, environmental data, weather analysis, strategic assets, or anything else vital to the coordinated efforts of a military entity.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,000 (100%)
Toxic Chemical Samples
Toxic chemical materials collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 900 (100%)
Vapor Samples
An assortment of vaporized particles collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 5,000 (100%)
Volatile Samples
Gaseous samples collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 4,000 (100%)
⛭ Assembler
⛭ Production: Crew

Assemblers are individuals who exist to begrudgingly assemble components to a product in a manufacturing line for long periods of time. They can serve in a factory to assemble Production Components into Assembled Products.

x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Diplomat
⛭ Production: Crew

A diplomat is a individual appointed by a client, organization, or minor faction to conduct diplomacy with one or more inter-system organizations. These "Diplomats" can serve in Tourist Centers, using Tourist Licenses to convince high profile tourism agencies into selling their Vacation Packages.
x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Engineer
⛭ Production: Crew

Engineers are individuals who use scientific principles to problem solve, maintain, and facilitate the processes required to run a refinery on behalf of their employer. They can serve in Refineries, turning Raw Materials into Refined Materials.

x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Low-Yield Stock
⛭ Production: Input

These market shares are in various small yet stable businesses from around the galaxy. Stockbrokers can sell them in Commerce Centers in exchange for High-Yield Stock.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 100 (100%)
⛭ Mercenary
⛭ Production: Crew

Mercenaries are professional soldiers who serve the private interests of a client such as a corporation or an individual. They can be very helpful for specific assignments when deployed at your discretion.
x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Research Sample
⛭ Production: Input

A diverse assortment of biomatter, minerals, specimens and artifacts prepared for scientific study. Scientists can experiment with them in Laboratories to generate Research Data.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 100 (100%)
⛭ Scientist
⛭ Production: Crew

Scientists are individuals who conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest on behalf of a client or institution. They can serve in Laboratories, studying Scientific Samples to produce Scientific Data.
x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Stockbroker
⛭ Production: Crew

Stockbrokers are professional traders who buy and sell shares on behalf of high profile clients. They can serve in Commerce Centers, managing investments on your behalf by selling Low-Yield Stock for profitable High-Yield Stock.
x 5,000 (100%)


Age: 28 Birthday: June 14, 3279 Gender: Female Height: 6' Eye Color: Pale Blue Hair Style: Brightly Colored, lately purple and a side-shave.

Commander Kaylee Yaseiko (Callsign Yaseiko) started her career as a federal military pilot, she advanced quickly and branched out as an independent mercenary working for the federation as a bounty hunter or in combat zones. She followed in her families footsteps and supported Federal President Zachary Hudson at first, but as her travels expanded and she saw more of the galaxy, she began to question all the propaganda. Seeing poorly treated workers, and the lower-class federal slums made her question the capitalist drive of the federation. She spent some time exploring and salvaging in independent space and got to know how things went outside of the federation. When she returned with a clearer head, free of obligations, she pledged to Aisling Duval and joined the empire. She discovered the Prismatic Imperium while working independently for Aisling Duval's organization, and joined because of shared ideals. She continues to strive to make the galaxy a better place for the people who live in it, though her methods are a bit less pristine.

She had goals of beginning a salvage operation somewhere in PI space and establishing herself as a person of import. Her business started mostly in "VIP Extraction/Removal", "Search and rescue/destroy" and "Sudden Job Opening Creation."

Since coming to the Prismatic Imperium, she's done a lot of freelance contract work for the Prismatic Imperium's Branch of Vigor and Adamantine Union. She's made the acquaintance of a few notables around Cubeo and has been continuing to expand her network. She is currently operating out of an old hangar in the Ruophaco district of Capital City on Cubeo III.

Upon learning about some of the deeper plots within PI Space surrounding the Tyrant Thorn and the White Rose, Kaylee spiraled into a depressive funk. Thanks to the intervention of Siva Gupta, she had been rehabbed from a drug habit in Raven Square. After recovery, she went on a exploration and archaeology expedition to investigate INRA and disappeared for over a month. She resurfaced on Cubeo without her ships, her license or her memory.

After some odd detective work, Kaylee discovered she had been hospitalized with a traumatic brain infection and rescued by the Pilot's Federation. Her wet-drive had become biologically contaminated and had to be removed, damaging her memory and leaving her unable to install a new wet-drive.

Kaylee tells a story:

Kingpin Mountain Mission Report [Classified]:

Kaylee becomes a Privateer for the Evermore Union:


-100,000 diamonds from Roger Welter

-Agent of chaos (lower case C)

-Weirdly good at guessing shoe sizes.

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
- List items
## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)