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CMDR Kurt Austin
7,484   757,030


Amber Baron

Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

⧉ Sebio: Dexterity
+5 to Dexterity
Intended to remove mental limitations for motor skills, Sebio has created a wet drive program that will improve dexterity. This will aid you in gear management while in combat and will give a powerful advantage for manual hackers. It is only compatible with other Sebio programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 25,000 (100%)
⧉ Sebio: Wisdom
+5 to Wisdom
Intended to change the way you think entirely, Sebio has created a wet drive program that will simulate wisdom. This will aid you in leadership roles as well as persuading allies and foes for the long term with actions and words. It is only compatible with other Sebio programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 25,000 (100%)
⊡ Sebio Yogi 1290 Wetdrive
This top of the line implant is a Sebio created neural augmentation computer that assists the brain. It can be discreet or obvious based on the interests of the user. Depending on the program disks installed it can perform a wide range of functions. This model has two general slots and two utility slots.

Program Slots: 2
Dedicated Utility Slots: 2
💀 [Do not mix manufactures in program slots or brain injury may occur.]
x 84,000 (150%)
⛭ Sebio: Metabolism Control
Sebio creates top of the line commercial augmentation programs and utilities. This optional utility enables the user to speed up or slow down their metabolism, burning calories quickly, losing weight, or other such benefits. With proper exercise, this can provide excellent agility enhancement. It can also protect the user from extended effects caused by consumed disposables including drugs, alcohol, and poisons.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]
x 25,000 (100%)
⛭ Military Grade: Ship Controller
Instead of relying on a third party to manage ship landing through an auto-dock module, this Military Grade solution makes it possible for the pilot to link to their ships and manage simple commands such as disembark, recall, and follow overhead. It does not allow the user to remotely pilot their ship but does provide new options for single crewed ships. Utility programs can be installed in a utility drive slot and does not conflict with other brands.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]
x 7,000 (100%)
Nisara Multitech Custom Jacket
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 6
Ability: This jacket can provide resistance to thermal, kinetic, and explosive attacks.

This high-grade and lightweight jacket from Nisara Multitech is an exemplary Imperial design serving as a defense unit for tactical operations. It features the maximum utility slots a battery can support and integrates them with layers of cutting-edge personnel armor. It was crafted specifically for pilots serving the Prismatic Imperium.
x 24,000 (120%)
Isaak's Khaji Sub Machine Gun
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spray]
Weight: 3.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Found among the wreckage of Listener of the Void, this unique SMG design was utilized by Spencer Isaak. It is designed to unleash electronically fired rounds rapidly with a minimal loss of accuracy. This model has Isaak's signature blue paint job and integrated suppressor system.
x 35,000 (100%)
Drone Operation Computer
Required for programming, launching, and controlling drones or self driving vehicles, this handheld device has all of the software required for drone operations. While drone operation control rooms full of displays and relays are the norm, the DOC makes drone missions possible while in the field. When pairing to a vehicle, it must be capable of self driving for remote control to be possible.

[The DOC must be paired to one drone and cannot be changed while in combat]
[Only one DOC can be equipped at a time]
x 500 (100%)
Spy Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
100m Range | 2hr Battery

This small device is packed with sensors and is undetectable by turrets, cameras, or other drones. It is quiet and avoids detection from enemies while scouting. It can fit in ventilation systems and through small passageways into restricted areas beyond locked doors. It can tag hostilities.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant Neurological Augmentation required]
x 10,000 (100%)
Wise-Sphere Companion
No Weapons | Automatic Control
No Damage | 500m Range | 8hr Battery
Universal Cartographics acquired the baseball sized Wise-Sphere design after the original corporation went under. Since then there have been numerous improvements to the Wise-Sphere companion, a floating orb designed as a simple companion to children, colonists, and explorers. The Wise-Sphere can be limited to making simple chirps and beeps but some can include a full vocabulary to go along with their simple personalities. They are not sentient but are intelligent enough to be a convincing friend.
x 500 (100%)
Sentry Drone
Light Thermal Weapon | Semi-Auto Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
100m Range | 4hr Battery

This device is a compact personal support unit armed with a small pulse laser and basic sensors. It detects hostiles and alerts allies to unidentified signatures, excluding enemy spy drones due to their size.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller required]
x 5,000 (100%)
Light Frame Exo-Suit
[-20 lb]
Utility Slots: 2

The exo-suit is a mobile machine worn on the body, enhancing limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The light frame version is the most agile, allowing quick movement while assisting with heavy lifting. It slightly reduces the weight of attached gear, making it ideal for scouts, snipers, and scientists.
x 10,000 (100%)
Dominator Vambrace
[Heavyweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1

This is Manticore's guard for the forearm. It is incredibly strong against thermal and kinetic attacks, constructed from the most durable metals and plastics. It is lined with smart fabrics that allow power to reach any wrist-mounted computer displays or lights. Guards like these are best paired with armors like Manticore's Dominator Suit to maximize the user's defensive potential on the battlefield.
x 4,000 (100%)
Tactical Knife
Melee Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Precise] [Slash]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

For when you need to look into your enemy's eyes (really closely) when you kill them, this knife is equipped with a heavy-duty scope, flashlight/laser sight, and a mini-suppressor system hidden in the hilt, all of which are non-compatible with anything else.
x 5,000 (100%)
💎 Kurt Austin's Helmet
[+5 Wisdom Defense] [Flash Bang Defense]
[Visual Enhancement]

Owned by Kurt Austin during his pledge to the Prismatic Imperium, this helmet provides the user with excellent protection. Equipped with a camera, optionally polarized visor, and a basic Visual Assistant System, it is the ideal combat helmet for a private mercenary. It has the ability to amplify vision at mid-ranges or enhance sight in heavy weather such as smoke or fog. It cannot track foes through walls and the user is not immune to E.G.G. attacks.
x 60,000 (120%)
Archangel Blue Housecat
Historically known as the Russian Blue, the Irkalla Archangel Blue is a common feline in the Anahit System. They are recognized by their bright green eyes and blue-grey coat and are known for their friendliness and intelligence, though somewhat reserved. They have been known to play fetch and open doors, and are sensitive to human emotions. They are popular with pilots due to their affectionate bonds with trusted family. Genetic tampering or mixed breeding of the Archangel Blue is highly discouraged within the Empire.
x 2,000 (200%)
Stealth Boots
[Improves Stealth]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment muffles sound caused by movement over a variety of terrain thanks to the work of computer-regulated gel pads. While making the user silent it gives no armor benefits.
x 4,000 (80%)
Bi-Weave Shield Generator
Heavy Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 300 (150 single hit)
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay

This personal suit integrated shield continuously protects the user from lasers and projectiles when active. Double the weave structures mean double the passive shield recharge at the cost of overall strength meaning it can take more hits from isolated sources, but less from a heavy attack. It can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank or increased in power by any form of shield booster. It is vulnerable to EMP attacks.
x 20,000 (100%)
Shield Cell Bank
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will quickly recharge personal shield devices and some weapon types. The device will last through a mission without maintenance if used properly. It takes some time to cool down after use or the user risks causing a meltdown.
x 1,500 (150%)
Encryption Cracking Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will detect encrypted communication data and decipher it before storing information in a memory device and shared with a squad. It can also help prevent hostile viruses and hack into active or recent transmissions at the cost of heat buildup.

[Use can take place at user's will or when a communication is flagged with ECU]

x 750 (25%)
Heat Sink Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will pull heat from all personal items and other utility modules before discharging it in a small disk. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. The user can avoid detection from sensors and use devices with heavy heat creation. Disks can become hot projectiles if abused.
x 300 (100%)
Auto Field Maintenance Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will repair malfunctioned gear, armor, accessories, and other utility modules at the cost of heavy heat buildup. It will prolong combat and exploratory missions. The device cannot repair itself and will further cannibalize itself with each sequential use. At least one is recommended during prolonged missions as armor integrated utility units are prone to regular malfunctions.
x 500 (100%)
Environmental Layout Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will map out landscapes and structures and store the information in a memory device. It can allow the user to see building layouts during combat missions and occasionally give an explorer valuable insight to the environment. It will not detect people or animals.
x 1,000 (200%)
CryoMed Health Kit
This kit contains cutting edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. Each additional critically injury risks unconsciousness and the possibility of death if not aided by a squadmate.

[This item is used to heal critical injuries. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 750 (150%)
Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade
Utility/Laser Weaponry Countermeasure
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can eliminate functionality of utilities, energy shields, and laser weaponry in a large area. It is also useful for destroying drones, vehicles, and turrets, larger drones like the Mongoose will require more to take down. Effective for the duration of a battle.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (100%)
Flash Bang Grenade
Disorienting Weapon
+ Damage
This single use device can disorient unsuspecting opponents by disrupting their vision and hearing for some time by creating a bright flash of light and concussive blast. Drones are not impacted.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 100 (100%)
Vigor Shield Booster
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this device triples (300%) the capacity and charge of shield defenses at the cost of a tremendous heat surge. A burst shield requires activation prior to the burst but can be used at anytime with a shield generator. It has no effect on kinetic shields or thermal weapons. It is awarded to accomplished Vigor agents being more powerful than conventional models but with reduced integrity. Shields cannot exceed the capacity of the largest equipped booster.
x 1,500 (100%)
Kewell Elysium
Class: Street
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 90 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2
Recognized for sleek and asymmetrically classy designs, Kewell gives you a comfortable experience when commuting through the city. Covas equipped and auto or semi-auto driving, this is one of the more popular street powered cars on the market.
x 43,800 (120%)
This small object is a relatively inexpensive speaker box that once activated via the user remotely will begin compounding and broadcasting sound samples including voices, music, and environmental ambiance to serve as a distraction. It does this using a recording device as well as picking up audio signals it intercepts (even background radiation). This item can be thrown or fixed to a location. Once triggered, it will broadcast gibberish until it burns out after an hour.
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 110 (100%)



Automated Turret S1
Medium Kinetic Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Spread] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed, computer-operated shotgun will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Aveen Tartarean
Class: Commercial
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power
Speed: 90 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 17 (25)
The Tartarean is a luxurious limousine typically piloted by a chauffeur who is separated from the passengers by a partition. They are fitted with a variety of entertainment systems. It is common for private and commercial Tartareans to be used as a transport for VIPs. As expected, the colors are programmable.
x 760,000 (100%)
Crystal Memory Bank
This high-tech device is capable of storing a Exabyte of encrypted data making it an ideal way to transport secure information outside of your ship. Missions requiring data delivery in person will require a memory storage device of some kind so it is a good idea to keep at least one on hand.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. It can be exchanged with a Used Memory Bank if there is data on it that is worth selling or delivering.]
x 500 (100%)
Dragonfly Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
100m Range | 8hr Battery

The Dragonfly is a drone hunter designed to latch onto and disable small enemy drones and turrets with a critical burst of shock damage. Only the spy drone can escape its claws. It's slightly larger than a Sentry Drone and cannot carry additional armaments due to the weight of its battery.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant Neurological Augmentation required]
x 6,500 (100%)
Gem-32 Suppressant Medication
The Imperial Navy contracted trusted research institutions to create this anti-fungal and hallucinogenic suppressor as a combat against the Gem 8 through 32 illness created by Adonis Manu. The medication will reduce symptoms of the illness. The medication is not a cure and the supply is limited as the Gem-64 fungus does not reproduce. Four cases developed advanced symptoms, all of which were CMDRs. It is unknown if the Gem-32 Suppressant Medication will have any effect. Those targeted with Gem are encouraged to seek medical help.
x 6,000 (100%)
Gene-Gene Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Gene Hikaze who was loyal to the Administration of the Overseer during desperate times. He sacrificed his vessel during the great ambush on Spencer Isaak which ended in defeat for the Prismatic Imperium.
x 40 (80%)
Herculean Data Bank
This sixteen pound commercial storage device can hold 100 Yottabytes worth of encrypted data making it the largest durable memory bank available. It is designed to be compatible with Jick Nackson Enterprises software for CMDRs with space vessels, or within a corporate computer terminal. They are not intended for portable use.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider.]
x 5,000 (100%)
Hydronis HTM Lorry
Class: Commercial [Branch of Vigor]
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 34 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2 (8)
This heavy cargo truck by Hydronis is common in industrial, commercial, and starport districts because of its high capacity to carry weight, especially when connected to a trailer. It is a very restricted in cities due to size but is very handy off road or on intercity roads. The Vigor variant has military grade armor.
x 8,000 (100%)
Jimenez Cocodrilo
Class: Motorcycle
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 70 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1
The Jimenez Automotive build some mean bikes named after various reptiles. The Cocodrilo is a bullet build bike with enclosed hubs, Ferngate Plexi glass, and a slim profile. This model is popular with criminals because of the protection they can provide on the street. It is not comfortable for long trips.
x 30,000 (100%)
Jimenez Dragon
Class: Motorcycle
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 88 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1 (2)
The Jimenez Automotive build some mean bikes named after various reptiles. The Dragon is incredibly fast and agile on city lanes. They are also very heavy compared to other motorized bicycles with only Seracia models weighing more. The Dragon is an excellent choice for racers as well.
x 71,400 (100%)
Kevi-Mind Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR Kevin Massey, CEO of The People's Media and the first Lord Herald of the Branch of Mind. He is known to attend and participate in games of golf on the moon and is experienced in the sport. His zeppelin circles Zreaglares with continuous motivational propaganda.
x 5 (10%)
Military Combat Drone
Medium Thermal Weapon | Manual Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
500m Range | 8hr Battery

This device is the military version of the combat drone. It features twin pulse cannons, point defense, and advanced sensors. While not the most agile, the drone does a superb job of defending the user while laying down suppression fire on hostiles. It has more armor than the mercenary packages.

[Drone Operation Controller required]
x 800 (100%)
Prototype Sniper Drone
Heavy Kinetic Weapon | Manual Control
++++ Damage | 1km Range | 8hr Battery
This is an experimental variation of the combat drone designed by CMDR Sinkarma. It has been stripped down to essential components to support a single kinetic sniper rifle with enhanced sensors from a camera drone. It has no point defense and incredibly low agility but the firepower, while limited, is incredibly effective. Despite its large size it can be carried by the user. Squad sight from an ELS is ideal for coordinated attacks.
[Drone Operation Controller required]
x 30,000 (100%)
Pulvia Pulse Soul
Class: Super [Branch of Mind]
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane power/Battery
Speed: 134 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2 (4)
Pulvia design high end cars often purchased by egotistical government officials or shared as bribing gifts. They can reach ludicrous speeds and have a menacing profile. Generally programmed with bright colors, the Pulse is regarded as one of the classiest cars ever created.
x 16,000 (100%)
Rakaira Type G
Class: Armored Car
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 22 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 18
Rakaira manufacture several models of armored cars. The Type G is a smaller and inexpensive design with two optional turret mounts above the front wheel wells and a gunner's hatch. Passengers can exit the vehicle from an armored ramp in the front or back, or a door on the side.
x 35,600 (100%)
S3 Mongoose Drone
Heavy Thermal/Explosive Weapon | Auto/Man
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Splash] [Bash]
5km Range | 48hr Battery

This 4-meter-tall drone rivals the Goliath in attack power, armed with two heavy beamers and rocket pods. It requires deployment via vehicle and prioritizes close-range enemies while detecting and eliminating other drones. Additionally, it can engage SLFs in the air. It has autonomous functionality by default but can be piloted remotely.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller required]
x 65,000 (100%)
Seracia Cassiel Ravenger
Class: Autonomous
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 52 m/s
Self Driving: Yes, Forced
Seats: 8
It's not uncommon for gangs to take advantage of autonomous lanes for their speed and efficiency through traffic by having autonomous cars in their fleet. The Ravenger is a customized Cassiel for gang warfare, often missing its passenger door for shootouts. These cars are illegal in Cubeo.
x 25,920 (120%)
Seracia Naberius
Class: Autonomous
Engine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 60 m/s
Self Driving: Yes, Forced
Seats: 1
Seracia's Archangel series are fully autonomous transports that feature no driver seat. The interior of the Naberius is ideal for office work during commutes as it has a workstation setup and toggle for privacy canopy. It can't be piloted manually, state of the art technology makes travel fast and efficient.
x 13,500 (100%)
Simulation Clone Drive
Herculean Machines created this small structure for Utopian consumption. It stores several Petabytes worth of data which includes a life-like Holo-Me with 1:1 muscle and sensory simulation as well as all gear currently equipped with the exception of anything worn on the back.

[This drive requires the Holo-Haptic Avatar Gear equipped before it will virtually clone your gear for simulation use. It must be equipped in the simulation as well.]
x 300 (100%)
Sirius Aquanautics Barracuda
Class: Submersible
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 25 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1
Sirius Aquanautics create popular private submersible craft with a variety of functions at the disposal of a surveyor or salvager. It is equipped with a 2km sensor, surface mineral detector, 2 small weapon mounts, shield, and 2T cargo capacity. It can launch various support limpets. It is unable to operate on land.
x 10,000 (100%)
Sirius Aquanautics Cobia
Class: Submersible
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 30 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Sirius Aquanautics create popular private submersible craft for underwater combat. The Cobia is equipped with a 2km sensor, 4 small weapon mounts, shield, and articulating claws. It sacrifices cargo capacity for a larger power distributor and additional weapon mounts. It is unable to operate on land.
x 16,000 (100%)
Techeroni Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Techeron who was credited with the destruction of Spencer Isaak after a long journey of playing the Song of the Void against him. He is largely responsible for the phrase "By Achenar" being associated with various university games.
x 12 (24%)
Wisewoof Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Otto von Wolfsburg who currently leads the Prismatic Senate as the Chancellor and was involved with the arrest of Jesse Ladd. His wife was trapped in a biowaste container during a dangerous hostage exchange.
x 7 (14%)
⧉ Evans Computation: Dexterity
+5 to Dexterity
For when you need to be quicker with your fingers in your computer operations, Evans Computation has created a wet drive program that will improve your dexterity. This will aid you in computer interfacing, programming, and networking. It is only compatible with other Evans Computation programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 5,000 (100%)
⧉ Evans Computation: Intelligence
+5 to Intelligence
Intended to give you the intellectual confidence to perform in a career, Evans Computation has created a wet drive program that will assist the user with intelligence. This will aid you in scenarios that require quick thinking while under pressure. It is only compatible with other Evans Computation programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 5,000 (100%)
⧉ Evans Computation: Luck
+5 to Luck
Intended to adjust the way you value statistical chances and risk, Evans Computation has created a wet drive program that will improve your luck. This will aid you in gambling and combat as you will think with a tactically sharpened mind. It is only compatible with other Evans Computation programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 5,000 (100%)
⧉ First Encounters: Charisma
+5 to Charisma
Intended to help you find that unique someone, First Encounters has created a wet drive program that will assist the user with charisma. This will increase your natural skill in speech-craft and will generally make you more attractive. It is only compatible with other First Encounter programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 5,000 (100%)
⧉ Sebio: Charisma
+5 to Charisma
Intended to aid in mannerisms and vocabulary, Sebio has created a wet drive program that will improve charisma. This will aid you in political conversations as well as situations common of an ambassador or spy, keeping you in control of your body language and communicative skills. It is only compatible with other Sebio programs.

[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]
x 25,000 (100%)
⛭ N.A.P.A. UI: Motorroller
Neural Augmentation Program Applications UI have created sophisticated wet drive software that establishes a direct link to the user's vehicle. This enables the user to manually pilot a self driving vehicle without actually being in it, albeit, at the cost of their attention. Naturally, the vehicle being controlled must allow self driving or remote control would not be possible. Utility programs can be installed in a utility drive slot and does not conflict with other brands.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]
x 7,000 (100%)
⛭ N.A.P.A. UI: Quantum Administrator
Neural Augmentation Program Applications UI have created sophisticated wet drive software that manages security profiles so that you can bypass security systems in a network you own without any required interface. Credentials are stored within the mind. Utility programs can be installed in a utility drive slot and does not conflict with other brands.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]
x 7,000 (100%)
⛭ Vocal Assistant
This unregistered program helps individuals with speech impediments overcome hardships in communication, but it has a duality function when the user is unconscious.

Update: This program pairs with Gem Spores to allow overriding input from a Utopian Simulation Center AI, forcing the individual to perform nonsensical tasks and incoherent rambling while unconscious. Further research is required.

[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]
x 500 (100%)
💾 Information for Decker
Crystal Memory Bank full of information copied by Nikki Bonnefesta.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]
x 500 (100%)
Armored Vambrace
[Heavyweight Armor]

The armored vambrace is a heavy guard for the forearm that works in conjunction with armor. It is crafted with synthetic polymers and further reinforced with defensive plates crafted from the bones of hardy creatures or from lightweight alloys. It is lined with smart fabrics that allow power to reach any wrist-mounted computer displays or lights. The armored vambrace prioritizes defense over function and sacrifices some of the gadgets many rely on to protect the arms and hands.
x 1,000 (100%)
CryoMed Health Pack
[Reusable Health Kit for Squad]

This pack contains cutting-edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. The wearer of the pack can assist the entire squad as the items are not disposable making it an excellent choice for a dedicated medic. The pack is however heavy, greatly reducing agility.
x 1,200 (100%)
Drone Neutralizer Unit
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of charged particles to disrupt drone communications, causing airborne drones to suffer similar effects to an EMP. It is very effective against small drones such as the sentry, camera, or spy drone. Large drones like the Mongoose and Meerkat are largely immune. The Drone Neutralizer Unit has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.
x 1,250 (25%)
Force Burst Wrist Guard
[Force Burst Ability]

Classified as an armor modifier, this highly compact defense mechanism is ideal for close-quarters combat as it can create a pulse burst on contact, shoving attackers to the floor or at least a good distance from you, buying that time you need to escape or draw your weapon. It is non-lethal but would be considered a crime if used against an Imperial Citizen outside of combat. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories.
x 2,600 (100%)
Hacking Extender
[Grants a Hacker Ranged Targets]

This simple collection of finger rings and a wristband will allow the user to relay hacking targets to any hacking system in the party. It is ideal for targets out of range or for discrete activities at functions such as dinner parties. It will go unnoticed by most individuals despite the dramatic gesture it requires to work. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories.
[User must web their fingers out toward the intended target.]
x 3,500 (100%)
Hacking System
Cores Processors: 5 [d20s]

This computer grants the tools for hacking devices when plugged in. Devices include doors to security networks up to security level 5. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories. When paired with someone using a hacking extender, it can hack anything they point at.

[1-Doors] [2-Surveillance]
[3-Defense Systems] [4-Turret Grids]
x 5,800 (100%)
Havok Jetpack
[Agility Booster]

Unlike typical zero-g thruster systems, Havok and Sons crafted a device that performs well in microgravity and atmospheric worlds up to 1.5g. It provides a vertical advantage on planets and enhances user agility in low gravity or space. However, it's limited to short bursts and prone to overheating with prolonged use. Despite this, it's lighter than comparable models.
x 7,000 (100%)
Holo-Haptic Avatar Gear
[Sensory Control in Simulations]

This advanced device pairs with smart clothing for immersive holo-simulations. Created by Conway Holo Productions, it offers quality haptic feedback, motion capture, temperature regulation, and biometry systems. Usually too advanced for civilians, users may forget they're in a virtual world as the avatar gear seamlessly connects senses to the simulation.

💀 [Must have equipped for simulations]
x 500 (100%)
Holo-Me Decoy Projector
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will create a burst of hologram clones in every direction with random orientations making it very difficult for foes to track the user. They last for several seconds and are accompanied with shimmering sounds as a distraction. The holograms are high quality and will cast accurate shadows in a majority of lighting conditions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 25,000 (100%)
Kill Warrant Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will scan individuals and compile bounty information as well as identify any registered citizen. It is a popular tool for bounty hunters and security personnel. It creates very little heat and will last through any mission.
x 750 (25%)
Magnetic Boots
[+5 Dexterity Defense] [+5 Strength Defense]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment uses complex computers to assist in balance while gripping to surfaces in limited gravity environments or zero-g far better than other space-approved footwear. When combined with thrusters these boots can improve agility in combat.
x 2,000 (100%)
Medium Frame Exo-Suit
[-30 lb]
Utility Slots: 3

The exo-suit is a wearable mobile machine powered by various technologies, enhancing limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The medium frame version strikes a balance, enabling relatively fast movement while assisting with heavy lifting. It reduces the weight of attached gear by an average amount, making it suitable for soldiers, bounty hunters, and criminals.
x 20,000 (100%)
Mind Fragrance Emitter
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device emits a passive fragrance in the air that is pleasant but can also be activated to emit a heavy dose of artificial pheromones that will make others more agreeable with the user, lowering their guard, and letting the user dominate a conversation. This greatly aids espionage and journalism when used on people within the user's social bubble. It is awarded to accomplished Mind agents.
x 1,500 (100%)
Mind Herald Uniform
[+15 to Charisma Defense]
Utility Slots: 6
Bedazzling uniform worn by the Heralds in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. Serving as the Head of Media and Entertainment in the Senate, the wearer carries the responsibilities of all branch activities from propaganda distribution to city planning. The uniform provides low defense and high style. It is recognized by Cubeo Society as a symbol of unchallenged cultural control, having sway over the Prismatic Senate.
x 10,000 (100%)
Mind Recruit Uniform
[+5 to Charisma Defense]
Utility Slots: 2
Official uniform worn by all recruits in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. As an entity of the government, Mind personnel are expected to maintain their uniforms and abide by the dress code enforced by the Lord Herald. The uniform offers low defense and high style making it ideal for political appeal but a poor choice for combat. Wearing such uniform while not in active service to the Branch of Mind is a high offense.
x 1,000 (100%)
Mind Visionary Uniform
[+10 to Charisma Defense]
Utility Slots: 4
Decorated uniform worn by valued personnel in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. As an entity of the government, Mind Visionaries are required to maintain their uniforms and abide by the Lord Herald's dress code. The uniform offers low defense and high style. The wearer is highly respected as an influencer, reporter, architect, and manager over Media Centers, having influential power in the social culture and aesthetic of daily life.
x 5,000 (100%)
Shield Cell Bank
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will quickly recharge personal shield devices and some weapon types. The device will last through a mission without maintenance if used properly. It takes some time to cool down after use or the user risks causing a meltdown.
x 1,500 (150%)
Virtual Distortion Cloak
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will distort the user's appearance by creating dozens of corrupted holographic projections per minute. This effect is accompanied with disruptive sounds and visuals making the user difficult to identify, especially for recognition software in security systems. It draws attention from everyone who sees or hears the strange distortions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 10,000 (100%)
Zero-G Thrusters Advanced
[Agility Booster for Space]

For careers or hobbies in low-gravity environments, this device is essential. It's ineffective in gravity greater than 1g but excels in space. It offers an advantage against hostile forces with powerful thrusters for precise adjustments, unlike cheaper models. The main limitation is its bulky weight on planets due to carrying a significant amount of fuel.
x 1,500 (100%)
BD90 Warhammer
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Splash]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This overpowered shotgun would harm the user if it were not for the assistance of recoil-reducting micro-burst thrusters. It fires a volley of scary-sized beads turning every engagement aftermath into a pressure wash clean-up.
x 44,800 (140%)
This small object is a relatively inexpensive speaker box that once activated via the user remotely will begin compounding and broadcasting sound samples including voices, music, and environmental ambiance to serve as a distraction. It does this using a recording device as well as picking up audio signals it intercepts (even background radiation). This item can be thrown or fixed to a location. Once triggered, it will broadcast gibberish until it burns out after an hour.
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 110 (100%)
CryoMed Health Kit
This kit contains cutting edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. Each additional critically injury risks unconsciousness and the possibility of death if not aided by a squadmate.

[This item is used to heal critical injuries. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 750 (150%)
Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade
Utility/Laser Weaponry Countermeasure
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can eliminate functionality of utilities, energy shields, and laser weaponry in a large area. It is also useful for destroying drones, vehicles, and turrets, larger drones like the Mongoose will require more to take down. Effective for the duration of a battle.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,200 (100%)
Ergon Burst Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spread] [Spray] [Bash]
Weight: 16 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Initially a shotgun, this rare weapon was modified into a burst-fire assault rifle with a large ammunition drum and a medium-range scope. It is a highly prized item for rare weapon collectors.
x 40,000 (100%)
Flash Bang Grenade
Disorienting Weapon
+ Damage
This single use device can disorient unsuspecting opponents by disrupting their vision and hearing for some time by creating a bright flash of light and concussive blast. Drones are not impacted.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 100 (100%)
Galspec 109 Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Precise] [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 36 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for versatility in the hands of a marksman and features an integrated computer that alters the weapon specifications for a variety of situations, such as penetrating cover or draining energy shields. A suppressor/audio mask can be toggled.
x 42,000 (140%)
Heavy Shield Generator
Heavy Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay

This personal suit integrated shield continuously protects the user from lasers and projectiles while active. Unlike burst shields, this model does not obstruct the user in any way, does not consume cell banks, and wraps around the body contours. It can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank or increased in power by any form of shield booster. It is vulnerable to EMP attacks.
x 30,000 (100%)
Imperial Urban Storm
Light Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spray] [Sweep]
Weight: 4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Some Imperial soldiers are blessed by wealthy commanding officers who favor the Urban Storm over the standard Imperial Laser Pistol. Utilizing the same batteries as laser pistols, the Urban Storm is designed to imitate the kinetic SMG making it ideal for close-quarters combat, especially in urban environments.
x 25,000 (100%)
Krakoff Demolisher Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Sweep] [Spray] [Salvo]
Weight: 12 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Crafted by a now-defunct gang faction, dual-fed ammo guzzlers, like the Demolisher SMG series, earned its name by shredding all obstacles in its path during space corridor battles. It is more effective against the environment than against personal armor.
x 850 (100%)
Manticore Oppressor
Medium Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Added by Pioneer Supplies into the Diamond Market, this automatic plasma rifle built by Manticore balances a high fire rate with comparatively modest damage output. It is popular among organized soldiers and mercenaries.
x 5,600 (80%)
Nisara Multitech Burst Shield
Medium Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay, No Delay if Powered

An alternate defense option in extended combat, this shield will deploy from a belt and defend the wearer from thermal and kinetic attacks for a limited number of hits by integrating with the user's armor. It can be recharged quickly using a shield cell booster. This model can be continuously charged when connected to a power system assuming one is conveniently accessible.
x 25,000 (100%)
Plasma Cannon
Heavy Thermal/Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Splash] [Slavo]
Weight: 56 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon is cumbersome and very difficult to aim, but its slow projectile is lethal for everyone within range of its thermal blast. Handle the cannon with care around allies.
x 13,500 (90%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 03 will hack any security Level 03 system, particularly Networks and Turrets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 600 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 04
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 04 will hack any security Level 04 system, particularly Defense Grids and Quantum Networks.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 2,000 (100%)
Remlok Pack
This kit can be a real lifesaver as it is the most advanced technology for prolonging life in an event of decompression. It has preserved lives of pilots blown out into space without a pressurized suit, though it is not recommended for such extremes.

[This item is used during decompression when the user is wearing gear inadequate for hostile environments. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 1,000 (100%)
Shock Grenade
Heavy Force Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can throw opponents to the ground with a massive shockwave of force. It is used to knock targets prone or force them out of cover. It is also effective against small aerial drones as the force will crash them.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 150 (100%)
Tactical Laser Rifle
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Sweep] [Bash]
Weight: 14.4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This federal rifle has been customized to be a versatile mercenary weapon. Standard among Spencer Isaak's crew of elite forces, it can be strapped to the hip and operated with one hand. A laser audio/visual suppressor system will help make quiet work of groups of enemies.
x 4,000 (100%)
Tactical Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst] [Spray]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This versatile handgun is popular among interstellar mercenaries and soldiers due to its lightweight and durability. The firearm is incredibly accurate with minimal kick and supports high-capacity ammo clips. It can function like an SMG. It is effective against light armored targets.
x 4,000 (100%)
Tyrant Thorn SMG
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Sweep]
Weight: 5.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This rare SMG design was utilized by the Tyrant Thorn Mercenaries led by Hallos Williams during their pledge to Monty Erickson and the Varangian Syndicate. It is designed by Dawley Kinetics as a custom order to unleash electronically fired rounds rapidly with a minimal loss of accuracy.
x 30,000 (100%)
White Rose SMG
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spray] [Sweep]
Weight: 3.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This rare SMG design was utilized by the White Rose Mercenaries during their war against the Tyrant Thorn. This Boris and Janelle Armaments design unleashes electronically fired rounds rapidly with a minimal loss of accuracy. This model is painted white and blue, the colors of the White Rose.
x 8,000 (100%)
⊘ Phony Isaak Executioner
Fake Light Weapon
No Damage

This fake item is trying to be Spencer Isaak's personal sidearm but it clearly is made from hardened foam. Try as you might, no one is going to get hurt by this item, even if you bash them over the head with it. Considering how much you paid for it, you can only dream what mystical properties are waiting to be discovered by using this phony weapon.
x 800 (100%)
mission items
Corrupted Data
A digital file that has nothing of value that is discernible among a massive sea of encrypted code. Even if a program managed to crack it, the data within would likely be gibberish, a common tactic for overwriting otherwise sensitive data.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 125 (100%)
FSD Jump Permit
A small encrypted data bank that authorizes legal usage of the frame shift drive by a registered pilot to a predetermined location. While CMDRs are immune to such monetized regulations, greedy corporations attempting to profit from interstellar travel have made it easier for system security to keep track of vessels which comes in handy when a stranded pilot is in need of assistance.

The FSD Jump Permit is a required item for non CMDR interstellar expeditions.
x 1 (100%)
Mineral Samples
A physical collection of mineral fragments gathered by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further study at a laboratory or sell to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 7,400 (100%)
Small Fauna Data
A digital archive of fauna collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on smaller variants of animals discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,600 (100%)
Small Flora Data
A digital archive of flora collected by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. This data is focused on smaller variants of plants discovered by researchers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,500 (100%)
⛭ Research Sample
⛭ Production: Input

A diverse assortment of biomatter, minerals, specimens and artifacts prepared for scientific study. Scientists can experiment with them in Laboratories to generate Research Data.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 100 (100%)


General Information Name: Kurt Austin Gender: Male Age: 29 D.O.B: 12 December 3274 Orientation: Straight Race: Human Height: 1.88 meters (6’ 2”) Eyes: steel-blue Hair: Dirty blonde, kept short Scars and other identifying features: Numerous scars over his body from past combat. Most notable though is the the prosthetic left leg that extends to just above the knee joint.

Personal History: Born in the city of Seattle in the Sol system to a Core Dynamics Engineer, Kurt’s parents made it clear in his first 18 years of life that they didn’t want him around. As a result, Kurt signed up for the Federation military as soon as possible. He hasn’t had any contact with his parents since leaving for basic training.

Kurt had a very successful military career by most standards. He was awarded several medals and commendations for his performance as a recon scout sniper and was well regarded by most of his superiors. Despite this success, the deaths of many of his friends would end up weighing heavily on him. By the year 3298, Kurt had earned a Bachelor’s degree in computer science and had gone through Officer Candidate School. He honorably left the service in the year 3300 at the rank of O-3.

There is one mission from early in his career that has remained classified. What is known is that it lasted for a little over 2 months, which is unusually long for a Federation mission, and that Kurt will almost always refuse to talk about it.

After leaving the military, Kurt signed up for Pilot Federation flight school, where he performed well. It wasn’t long before he met up with an old friend from his time in the service, Stephanie, who had also become a pilot. The two of them worked together frequently and had a very close relationship. Late in the year, Kurt and Stephanie got involved in a major anti-piracy mission being led by the Federal Navy Reserve. During this mission, Kurt had his ship’s engines shot out while engaged in combat on a 1.3 G world. The subsequent crash resulted in the amputation of his left leg and nearly cost him his life. The only reason he survived was due to the quick actions of Stephanie and the expert care provided by Dr. Elizabeth Frost.

After getting fitted for a prosthetic leg, Kurt and Stephanie got involved in a ground mission to kill the pirate lord leading the same gang from before. It was supposed to be an infiltration mission, but it quickly turned into an extensive firefight. By the end of the battle, the pirate lord had a knife to Stephanie’s throat and was using her as a human shield against Kurt. It didn’t matter in the end as the pirate rammed the blade into her back. The official report lists the cause of death for the pirate as being exsanguination from a chest wound, but the autopsy is curiously classified. There was nothing Kurt could do for Stephanie, and she died in his arms.

After that mission went awry, Kurt vanished for 18 months, not even the Pilot’s Federation could track him down and he was listed as MIA for a time. He did return to human space, where he wandered about, never staying in one system for more than two weeks. Kurt eventually found himself in Imperial space and decided to join the Prismatic Imperium in October 3303.

Personality: Kurt tends to be quiet and observant, often preferring to listen and watch rather than speak. He is incredibly loyal and protective of those he calls friend, sometimes to a fault. Kurt is often pragmatic and logical. He is also his own biggest critic. There is no sacrifice too great for those who have earned his trust.

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
- List items
## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)