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Chancellor Wisewolf of Avalon
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Prismatic King

Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

Asellus Deflector Pistol
Light Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech pistol built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 45,000 (100%)
Holo-Me Extender
This equipment can be installed at your location to extend your Holo-Me interaction ability in CMDR rented locations outside of the Diamond Plaza Hub. It is also useful for interacting with certain characters securely, especially characters in shadow.

Use this item to make your communications more secure as Holo-Me operates on a quantum network. The only way a hacker can intercept your transmission is by using an Encryption Cracking Unit.
x 500 (100%)
HoloStream Recorder
This device is essential for those wanting to film for the highest quality streams of Aisling Media, specifically The People's Media. It can also be used to start your career as a reporter by getting direct access to the live stream while on location of the action.
Consider owning one of these if you are trying to sell a story to Alicia Mellor.
x 100 (100%)
Tactical Armor
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 5
Ability: This armor can provide resistance to thermal, kinetic, and explosive attacks.

This high-quality combat armor was popular among Isaak's Elite Squad. It provides high defense and medium style. The wearer is agile and quiet while carrying conveniently accessible slots for ammunition, grenades, and clips for weapons. It features 5 utility slots for defense improvements and is popular among independent mercenaries.
x 17,000 (100%)
Rodent Population Regulator
The Rodent Population Regulator emits high frequency sounds which will reduce the population of rapid reproducing critters including rats and exotic Trumbles. Once the number of effected creatures has reached a predetermined threshold the emitter will focus on discouraging reproduction. While still in experimental stages, the Rodent Population Regulator has shown favorable results among Trumble owners, their pets well known to explode in numbers over night.
x 500 (100%)
Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system.
x 1,000 (100%)
Military Combat Drone
Medium Thermal Weapon | Manual Control
Attacks: [Focus] [Suppress]
500m Range | 8hr Battery

This device is the military version of the combat drone. It features twin pulse cannons, point defense, and advanced sensors. While not the most agile, the drone does a superb job of defending the user while laying down suppression fire on hostiles. It has more armor than the mercenary packages.

[Drone Operation Controller required]
x 800 (100%)
Spy Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
100m Range | 2hr Battery

This small device is packed with sensors and is undetectable by turrets, cameras, or other drones. It is quiet and avoids detection from enemies while scouting. It can fit in ventilation systems and through small passageways into restricted areas beyond locked doors. It can tag hostilities.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant Neurological Augmentation required]
x 10,000 (100%)
Ergon Burst Rifle
Medium Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spread] [Spray] [Bash]
Weight: 16 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Initially a shotgun, this rare weapon was modified into a burst-fire assault rifle with a large ammunition drum and a medium-range scope. It is a highly prized item for rare weapon collectors.
x 40,000 (100%)
Havok Jetpack
[Agility Booster]

Unlike typical zero-g thruster systems, Havok and Sons crafted a device that performs well in microgravity and atmospheric worlds up to 1.5g. It provides a vertical advantage on planets and enhances user agility in low gravity or space. However, it's limited to short bursts and prone to overheating with prolonged use. Despite this, it's lighter than comparable models.
x 7,000 (100%)
Missile Launcher
Heavy Explosive Weapon
Attacks: [Splash] [Salvo]
Weight: 46 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Carried over the shoulder, this weapon will level the field with an explosive projectile. It is not intended for close-quarter combat and should be handled with care around allies.
x 5,580 (90%)
Utility Vambrace
[Additional Utility Slots]
Utility Slots: 2

This bulky device is a defensive brace for the forearm designed for the sole purpose of providing the user with customizable utility mounts beyond what was available on the core armor. Since it draws from the same source of power, the user's all-purpose battery, the number of registered utility ports remains a maximum of six. As an added benefit, the vambrace provides protection to the arms of the user.

x 7,000 (100%)
Payne Morph Projector
[+5 Charmisma] [Face Morph]

This experimental device lets users project another person's face. Users must restrict complex movement and avoid physical contact for the illusion to work. Proper facial animation research is needed for the projection to look real. Users should be skilled in vocal impersonations, as the device builds on the animations and voice of the user.

💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 70,000 (140%)
Nisara Multitech Burst Shield
Medium Thermal and Kinetic Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay, No Delay if Powered

An alternate defense option in extended combat, this shield will deploy from a belt and defend the wearer from thermal and kinetic attacks for a limited number of hits by integrating with the user's armor. It can be recharged quickly using a shield cell booster. This model can be continuously charged when connected to a power system assuming one is conveniently accessible.
x 25,000 (100%)
Stealth Boots
[Improves Stealth]
Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment muffles sound caused by movement over a variety of terrain thanks to the work of computer-regulated gel pads. While making the user silent it gives no armor benefits.
x 4,000 (80%)
Heat Sink Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will pull heat from all personal items and other utility modules before discharging it in a small disk. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. The user can avoid detection from sensors and use devices with heavy heat creation. Disks can become hot projectiles if abused.
x 300 (100%)
Shield Cell Bank
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will quickly recharge personal shield devices and some weapon types. The device will last through a mission without maintenance if used properly. It takes some time to cool down after use or the user risks causing a meltdown.
x 1,500 (150%)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Explosive Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can ensure a great deal of damage to a rather large area. It is twice as effective against unshielded targets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 500 (100%)
Holo-Me Decoy Projector
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will create a burst of hologram clones in every direction with random orientations making it very difficult for foes to track the user. They last for several seconds and are accompanied with shimmering sounds as a distraction. The holograms are high quality and will cast accurate shadows in a majority of lighting conditions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 25,000 (100%)
Virtual Distortion Cloak
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will distort the user's appearance by creating dozens of corrupted holographic projections per minute. This effect is accompanied with disruptive sounds and visuals making the user difficult to identify, especially for recognition software in security systems. It draws attention from everyone who sees or hears the strange distortions. It creates massive amounts of heat.
x 10,000 (100%)
Shock Grenade
Heavy Force Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can throw opponents to the ground with a massive shockwave of force. It is used to knock targets prone or force them out of cover. It is also effective against small aerial drones as the force will crash them.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 150 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02
This tool has a complex script and mechanical parts. When placed on a device, it embeds itself and launches a hacking script to infiltrate the system quietly.

The RaidSys AutoHack LvL 02 will hack any security Level 02 system, particularly doors or vehicles.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 250 (100%)
Environmental Layout Scanner
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will map out landscapes and structures and store the information in a memory device. It can allow the user to see building layouts during combat missions and occasionally give an explorer valuable insight to the environment. It will not detect people or animals.
x 1,000 (200%)



Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system.
x 1,000 (100%)
Archangel Blue Housecat
Historically known as the Russian Blue, the Irkalla Archangel Blue is a common feline in the Anahit System. They are recognized by their bright green eyes and blue-grey coat and are known for their friendliness and intelligence, though somewhat reserved. They have been known to play fetch and open doors, and are sensitive to human emotions. They are popular with pilots due to their affectionate bonds with trusted family. Genetic tampering or mixed breeding of the Archangel Blue is highly discouraged within the Empire.
x 2,000 (200%)
Automated Turret K1
Medium Kinetic Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Spray] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed computer-operated multi-cannon will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Automated Turret L1
Medium Thermal Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Precise] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light framed computer operated pulse laser will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a moderate firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Automated Turret R1
Medium Explosive Weapon | Automatic Control
Attacks: [Splash] [Suppress]
200m Range | 24hr Battery

Light-framed, computer-operated rocket pod will target hostiles using smart software that analyzes data from the squad. It can be deployed during a mission but redeployment takes time. It has a slow firing rate and excellent armor.
x 6,000 (100%)
Paradigm Vindicator
Class: Military [Prismatic Imperium]
Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 19 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 3 (5)
Paradigm's Vindicator is the Empire's choice of versatile mobile land weapon system platform. Armed with a Manticore medium cannon, two twin point defense cannons, and two ECMs, this tank is not intended for civilian applications. Regulations restrict it from urban areas as the treads are harsh on powered roads.
x 360,750 (100%)
Rodent Population Regulator
The Rodent Population Regulator emits high frequency sounds which will reduce the population of rapid reproducing critters including rats and exotic Trumbles. Once the number of effected creatures has reached a predetermined threshold the emitter will focus on discouraging reproduction. While still in experimental stages, the Rodent Population Regulator has shown favorable results among Trumble owners, their pets well known to explode in numbers over night.
x 500 (100%)
This exotic pet is cute and fluffy, resembling a soft pillow. The Trumble is a low maintenance creature that feeds from microbes while emitting cute chirps from time to time. Popular with children, these gentle fuzzballs are often genetically modified to be vibrant colors and can even be spotted or striped. They can reproduce asexually under the right conditions which is useful if you are looking for a specific pattern or color for a gift pet.
x -10 (100%)
Wise-Sphere Companion
No Weapons | Automatic Control
No Damage | 500m Range | 8hr Battery
Universal Cartographics acquired the baseball sized Wise-Sphere design after the original corporation went under. Since then there have been numerous improvements to the Wise-Sphere companion, a floating orb designed as a simple companion to children, colonists, and explorers. The Wise-Sphere can be limited to making simple chirps and beeps but some can include a full vocabulary to go along with their simple personalities. They are not sentient but are intelligent enough to be a convincing friend.
x 500 (100%)
💾 Diamond Market Hack - Olive
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.

[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]
x 1,000 (100%)
Hacking Extender
[Grants a Hacker Ranged Targets]

This simple collection of finger rings and a wristband will allow the user to relay hacking targets to any hacking system in the party. It is ideal for targets out of range or for discrete activities at functions such as dinner parties. It will go unnoticed by most individuals despite the dramatic gesture it requires to work. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories.
[User must web their fingers out toward the intended target.]
x 3,500 (100%)
Heavy Frame Exo-Suit
Utility Slots: 4
The exo-suit is a wearable mobile machine that is powered by a combination of technologies that allow for limb movement with increased strength and endurance.
The heavy frame version is the heaviest and most powerful of the designs allowing the user carry a considerable amount of weight at the cost of speed and agility. It will help reduce the carry weight of gear attached to the user by a significant amount, perfect for engineers and assemblers.
This model has 4 utility mounts.
x 30,000 (100%)
Medium Frame Exo-Suit
[-30 lb]
Utility Slots: 3

The exo-suit is a wearable mobile machine powered by various technologies, enhancing limb movement with increased strength and endurance. The medium frame version strikes a balance, enabling relatively fast movement while assisting with heavy lifting. It reduces the weight of attached gear by an average amount, making it suitable for soldiers, bounty hunters, and criminals.
x 20,000 (100%)
Personal Gadget

Installed in a utility slot, this small device can represent anything commercial from simple audio speakers to full media suites, simple clocks to full personal computers. While useful for their intended functions, these generic personal gadgets do not perform any actions that would aid directly in the abilities of the user. They integrate flawlessly into smart clothing or armors and are durable and reliable.
x 10 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Cloak
[+5 to Wisdom] [Intimidation Boost]
An optional piece to the Prismatic Imperium Soldier Uniform that is absent from the traditional Majestic Uniform established by Emperor Hengist Duval is the Cloak worn by many of the officers and Prismatic Palace Royal Guards. This duel-layered cloak is a mixture of silky silver and textured blue that sparkles with radiant colors in the light. It can be made to flow behind the wearer or conceal themselves. It generally is not worn during combat but stranger things have happened when nobility lead wars for their own interests.
x 400 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Communicator
[+5 Dexterity Defense]

Imperial commanding officers on Cubeo III don't wear helmets on the battlefield to inspire their soldiers. It's been the tradition for centuries. Instead, they wear the Prismatic Imperium Communicator, a microphone and speaker, to receive and issue orders.

💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 200 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Soldier Boots
[Improves Armor Defense]
Classified as an armor modifier, this Majestic Soldier Boot tailored to its faction, as decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240, is well armored giving the user significant protection from kinetic and explosive attacks. It has an excellent record of durability, comfort, and traction on a wide range of terrain while keeping the wearer looking sharp and stylish. It maintains the agility of the wearer and when combined with any official uniform, it will improve style.
x 500 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Soldier Guard
[Lightweight] [HoloMap from ELS Reports]

A plastic bracer is often combined with the Majestic Uniform's smart fabric which allows forearm holographic displays of 3D topical data or face-to-face communication. It is utilized by officers and tactical analysts among the Imperial Legions though occasionally a common soldier will have one too. Commanding officers of the Prismatic Imperium rely on their guard for the protection of their arms and for communication with their officers and commanders.
x 400 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Soldier Helmet
[Lightweight Armor]

The Majestic Uniform, decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240, includes a standard helmet for soldiers. It offers moderate protection and has a communication receiver for orders. The helmet has plastic eyepieces for sunlight protection but won't shield against flashbangs or smoke grenades. Palace Guards often wear blue versions.

💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 400 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Soldier Uniform
[+5 to Strength Defense]
Utility Slots: 4
The Prismatic Imperium dons the Majestic Soldier Uniform tailored to its faction as decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240. The white uniform remains a strong symbol of the Imperial Military to this day. While not designed to withstand heavy attacks, this stylish uniform integrates smart clothing with reflective plastic armor and will carry the soldier with elegance. Generally, the uniform is worn with modern chlamys made of embroidered silk.
x 2,000 (100%)
Sight Discovery Scanner
Activation Command:
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device scans bio-material and organisms to identify them using a scientific codex. If scanning an organism, it will attempt to create a profile with an estimate species, age, and diet. If the organism is rare or undiscovered, the user will be rewarded 100 reputation points and a data item. It is awarded to accomplished Sight agents.
x 1,500 (100%)
Arachnid Spawn Grenade
Continuously Replicating Biomod
Attacks: [Doom]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This containment pod holds fast-growing biomods. When activated, it spawns a rapidly expanding spider population that infests organisms, using their bodies as breeding grounds and leaving only husks behind. Spiders leave silk trails in search of new victims, perishing after consuming all organisms or reaching an 11th generation.
💀 [May warrant shoot on sight if discovered]
💀 [User WILL die if within 300 meters]
x 18,500 (103%)
Asellus Deflector Rifle
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attack: [Focus] [Burst] [Bash]
Weight: 16.8 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This high-tech rifle built by Seelor was highly popular among the heroes of a forgotten independent system. The weapon features a built-in burst shield that will defend the user from thermal attacks for a limited number of hits before needing a recharge from a shield cell booster.
x 65,000 (100%)
Galspec 109 Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attack: [Precise] [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 36 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for versatility in the hands of a marksman and features an integrated computer that alters the weapon specifications for a variety of situations, such as penetrating cover or draining energy shields. A suppressor/audio mask can be toggled.
x 42,000 (140%)
Kachirigin Filter Leeches
Kachirigin leeches can painlessly filter impurities from the user's blood, so can be used as a cure-all for hangovers and the worst affects of certain addictions. They are prized by the wealthy and hedonistic, and have an almost cult-like following.

Kachirigin Leeches will remove effects of poisons, drugs, and alcohol.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 3,962 (198%)
Prismatic Imperium Burst Shield
Medium Thermal Defense
Defense: 200
Recharge: No Delay

Standardized personal defense for Prismatic Soldiers, this shield will deploy from the arm and defend the wearer from thermal and kinetic attacks for a limited number of hits. It is comparable to the Multi Directional Burst Shield as the charge rate and resistances are nearly the same. The shield color is more vibrant than most shields. It can be recharged quickly using shield cell banks or strengthened by a shield booster.
x 400 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Laser Rifle
Medium Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Bash]
Weight: 12 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

The Laser Rifle is the standard battle weapon for Imperial Soldiers. Customized by the Prismatic Imperium, it will bring the might of the Emperor to your foes without hindering the aesthetics of the design. The focus crystals are colored to fit the needs or flair of the owner.
x 800 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Officer Sword
Melee Kinetic Weapon
[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attacks: [Slash] [Duel]
Weight: 4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Every officer in the Prismatic Imperium carries a ceremonial sword for special occasions and in combat. Some officers even delight in cutting down their foes. It is a lightweight carbon steel blade coated in silver and a decorative handle depicting Cubeo's Adonis Flower. It serves as a badge of office.
x 1,000 (100%)
Prismatic Imperium Urban Storm
Light Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Burst] [Spray] [Sweep]
Weight: 4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Some of the wealthier Prismatic Imperium Officers outfit their legions with this classy weapon complete with dynamic colored focus crystals and customization. Utilizing the same batteries as pistols, the Urban Storm is ideal for close-quarters combat, especially in urban environments.
x 400 (100%)
mission items
FSD Jump Permit
A small encrypted data bank that authorizes legal usage of the frame shift drive by a registered pilot to a predetermined location. While CMDRs are immune to such monetized regulations, greedy corporations attempting to profit from interstellar travel have made it easier for system security to keep track of vessels which comes in handy when a stranded pilot is in need of assistance.

The FSD Jump Permit is a required item for non CMDR interstellar expeditions.
x 1 (100%)
Miniaturized Focus Crystals
Complex instruments that are used to direct and concentrate directed energy systems for handheld weapons or mining tools. They are most often utilized in laser instruments and could be used for maintaining them. These are not new which means they were probably pulled from discontinued tools or confiscated laser rifles.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 4,480 (100%)
⛭ Assembler
⛭ Production: Crew

Assemblers are individuals who exist to begrudgingly assemble components to a product in a manufacturing line for long periods of time. They can serve in a factory to assemble Production Components into Assembled Products.

x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Diplomat
⛭ Production: Crew

A diplomat is a individual appointed by a client, organization, or minor faction to conduct diplomacy with one or more inter-system organizations. These "Diplomats" can serve in Tourist Centers, using Tourist Licenses to convince high profile tourism agencies into selling their Vacation Packages.
x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Engineer
⛭ Production: Crew

Engineers are individuals who use scientific principles to problem solve, maintain, and facilitate the processes required to run a refinery on behalf of their employer. They can serve in Refineries, turning Raw Materials into Refined Materials.

x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Stockbroker
⛭ Production: Crew

Stockbrokers are professional traders who buy and sell shares on behalf of high profile clients. They can serve in Commerce Centers, managing investments on your behalf by selling Low-Yield Stock for profitable High-Yield Stock.
x 5,000 (100%)
⛭ Vacation Package
⛭ Production: Output

These bundled packets of travel vouchers and luxury perks are ready for tourist consumption. They are acquired by Diplomats in Commerce Centers who negotiate using Tourist Licenses.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,100 (110%)


Name: Otto von Wolfsburg Gender: Male Age: 40 Height: 5'11” (1.8m) Description: Light red hair. Medium build. Rarely seen not wearing formal clothes. His dress sword is usually close by.

Ledger of a Reluctant Merchant: (Pre-Prismatic Imperium)

  Hailing from the earth-like Kippers Retreat in Avalon, Otto von Wolfsburg was born in... Yep, Wolfsburg. His family was fairly well off and his father owned a shop where Otto learned the basics of trade. His parents still live on Kippers Retreat. Fast forward a few years, Otto wanted to be a merchant like his father but with a crucial difference. Ambition. Otto wasn't going to stop at being a shop owner on a planet. He wanted more. True wealth and status. He knew real money wasn't made on planets. He turned his eyes skyward. With a recommendation from his father he got a small job at the logistics division of the regional Headquarters of Avalon Organization (AO) based on the Coriolis station "Noctilux" in orbit over Kippers Retreat. He wanted to get a sense of the market and was fortunate to live next to the system's primary trading port. He was no stranger to ledgers. But his work as an assistant in the logistics branch of AO was his first taste of the scale of interstellar trade and the cutthroat nature of the merchants who partake in it.

 In system, the faction in control of the other port would war every few years. The conflict would be big in the news and small scale skirmishes would break out. Both sides wanting the others assets. AO (which had always been backed by the Royal Family of Avalon) would pump a lot of money into the wars. It would always end in a stalemate. This warring was taking its toll on the Royal Family's cash reserves as they assisted their puppet faction in funding the wars...

 It was during the final of these civil wars that Otto made a name for himself. To sum up a very intricate situation, Otto discovered a detail overlooked by the hundreds of AO analysts planning the war effort. A detail which when exploited, cut off the major source of funds for the opposing side. AO forces soon turned the tide and finally took control of the other port. Ending a several decade long stalemate. Otto was largely credited to breaking the stalemate. It impressed the Royalty enough to knight him. Making his customary title "Sir Otto von Wolfsburg of Avalon." At this point he didn't have much to his name other than his new title. That changed when AO approached him with a sponsorship. Perhaps urged by the Royal Family, they wanted send Otto through the Commander's Academy in exchange for a period of service. The choice was easy. Years later, he graduated with an affinity for ships greater than 400 tonnes. When writing the application for his Commander name. He initially wrote Wolf of Avalon. Unsatisfied, he scribbled “Wise” in the margin just before turning in the paperwork. 

 In the following decade he'd amass a fortune and helped Avalon Organization grow. Otto developed a reputation as a cutthroat merchant and merciless negotiator who wasn't afraid to use others’ weakness to his advantage. Otto would grab power whenever he could. Perhaps urged on by his initial claim to fame, he'd always look for unseen connections to exploit for profit. 

 Out of a sense of duty, he based himself in Avalon. Keeping his wealth there. It was around this time that Otto began the Independent Merchant's Association(IMA). This wealth caught the attention of the Royal family. They proposed an arranged marriage with the Knight. A simple transaction. His money for a stake in Royalty. The title of Prince. 

 An arranged couple, Princess Maria, age 34, and (now) Prince Otto, age 38, were awkward at first but fortunate enough to foster a true bond. Changed by the kind hearted but fierce Princess, Otto began to see life not through the veil of credits that drove him since his early 20’s, but with a bit more humanity. With his old friends in AO, he naturally started handling dealings with them for his Royal family. 

 Influenced by his wife and feeling as though he accomplished all he set out to achieve, Otto began to mellow. His business life went on however. Setting up a few small branch offices of the IMA. He took quite an interest in the Shapsugabus branch. He wanted to see how markets in Aisling space fared without the lucrative slave trade. He spent much time there.

 Throughout all his ventures, Otto always came back to Avalon. In the present day, he still docks all his ships there. 

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
- List items
## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)