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Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

Forculus Chronometry Wrist Clock
Fabricated by the Forculus Brothers on Irrational Exuberance in the Forculus System, this highly luxurious time piece is designed specifically for classy individuals from the Federation of Independent Pilots. They are intentionally rare to protect their value while knockoff versions are more common. Some designs are susceptible to gravitational fluctuation but this model only simulates traditional function with clockwork. The display itself is holographic. Supporters of the product may get a significant boon to relations with its maker.
x 2,000 (100%)
Holo-Me Extender
This equipment can be installed at your location to extend your Holo-Me interaction ability in CMDR rented locations outside of the Diamond Plaza Hub. It is also useful for interacting with certain characters securely, especially characters in shadow.

Use this item to make your communications more secure as Holo-Me operates on a quantum network. The only way a hacker can intercept your transmission is by using an Encryption Cracking Unit.
x 500 (100%)
Diamond Ring Memory Bank
This large diamond can hold a Terabyte of data beamed into its structure. While not secure, the ring can easily avoid detection during espionage missions. The largest drawback of this style of memory storage is that data cannot be edited, only deleted.

[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. It can be exchanged with a Used Memory Bank if there is data on it that is worth selling or delivering.]
x 800 (100%)
HoloStream Recorder
This device is essential for those wanting to film for the highest quality streams of Aisling Media, specifically The People's Media. It can also be used to start your career as a reporter by getting direct access to the live stream while on location of the action.
Consider owning one of these if you are trying to sell a story to Alicia Mellor.
x 100 (100%)
Suppressed Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This specialty sidearm is popular for discrete operations due to the effective sound and muzzle flash suppression system integrated into the weapon. It temporarily isolates targeted security devices from their network.
x 3,000 (100%)
Thermal Broadsword
Melee Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Chop] [Bash]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Infused with a laser edge, thermal broadswords can cut through armor. The blade can withstand contact with other laser edges but continuous hits will overheat the core. Use heat sinks to keep the core from experiencing a meltdown.
x 2,500 (100%)
Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Explosive Weapon
Attacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]

This single use device can ensure a great deal of damage to a rather large area. It is twice as effective against unshielded targets.

[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]
x 500 (100%)



This exotic pet is cute and fluffy, resembling a soft pillow. The Trumble is a low maintenance creature that feeds from microbes while emitting cute chirps from time to time. Popular with children, these gentle fuzzballs are often genetically modified to be vibrant colors and can even be spotted or striped. They can reproduce asexually under the right conditions which is useful if you are looking for a specific pattern or color for a gift pet.
x -10 (100%)
Chaff Launcher
Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.

Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of light weight tracking disruptors making the user nearly invulnerable to enemy drones, visual assistant systems, and sensors by wildly expanding the user's heat signature. It has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.
x 100 (100%)
Conventional Coat
[Lightweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1
Ability: This coat can provide basic resistance to light kinetic attacks.

This smart wired coat comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. It provides some much-needed protection for a night-prowling bounty hunter.
x 200 (100%)
Conventional Jacket
[Lightweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1
Ability: This jacket can provide basic resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This smart-wired jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. It provides some much-needed protection for a street-smart pilot.
x 100 (100%)
Embroidered Sport Dress
[+5 Charisma Defense]
Utility Slots: 1

This attire is a respectable fashion statement for imperial citizens in any circumstance as it conforms to any of the latest fashion trends. It comes in a wide selection of colors and patterns and offers some basic protection for the wearer. It is popular among public officials and the nobility of the Empire.
x 600 (100%)
Harnessed Coat
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 2
Ability: This coat can provide resistance to kinetic attacks.

This improved coat comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. The strengthened pockets and expansion points are popular for well-geared bounty hunters looking to make an impression.
x 850 (100%)
Harnessed Jacket
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 2
Ability: This jacket can provide resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This improved jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. The strengthened pockets and expansion points are popular for well-geared pilots looking for a casual option for defense.
x 700 (100%)
Callaghan Auto Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This standard Callaghan sidearm is a must-have for personal defense for anyone when outside of the security of installations. It is a reliable weapon that uses common types of ammunition making it simple to use and maintain.
x 100 (100%)
Callaghan Heavy Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 1.8 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This specialized sidearm packs a serious punch and is popular among mercenaries. The weapon is developed by Callaghan Firearms and has an integrated tactical flashlight. It fires a larger caliber projectile than the auto pistol.
x 1,500 (100%)
Forculus NDA-44
Light Thermal Weapon
Attacks: [Focus]
Weight: 0.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Smugglers in the Forculus system made this battery-operated weapon popular because it is almost too small to hold making it easy to smuggle into places that prohibit weapons. It is commonly used to kill bounty hunters under the table.
x 600 (100%)


Some of your rare items were returned to the Diamond Market, and you have been compensated in their value.

Please speak with an admin should you wish these items be returned.

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
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## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)