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NPC Great Valley of Evermore
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Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked



mission items
⛭ Assembled Product
⛭ Production: Output

These manufactured products are ready for the consumer market via distributors. They are crafted by Assemblers in Factories who build them from Production Components.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,100 (110%)
⛭ Refined Material
⛭ Production: Output

These varied materials are refined and ready for consumption by production facilities. They are processed by Engineers in Refineries who refine them from Raw Materials.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you at ten percent above the current galactic average.
x 1,100 (110%)


Bio not found for this CMDR.

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
- List items
## Header
### Smaller Header
#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)