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  1. Prismatic Media News - Bringing you the stories that matter.

    This week’s spotlight shines on Vitadyne Labs, “Vital healthcare requires vital sciences”.

    A man has fallen into the river in Capital City! Eye witnesses stated they saw medivac teams come to the rescue and save the day in the Rhombus district where the incident occured. This serves as a reminder to all citizens of Cubeo to be careful and look where you are walking! You never know what could happen!

    The park in Raven Square will be receiving additional funding to help with the construction and planning of a small animal sanctuary! To help with endangered species, this facility will be open to the public in an effort to educate Cubeo’s citizens on the various animals and creatures that will be rehabilitated and stabilized for their future generations. We hope you take time out of your day to see this lovely place when it is complete!

    Some of the parks in Zreaglares will be receiving a makeover. Trees, fountains, benches, decor, you name it! This is an exciting time to live in this district with all the amenities being added and refreshed! So much to do and so much to see! Speaking of things to do, the boardwalk in Zreaglares will be receiving much needed attention as well as the docks have been in a state of disrepair for some time. Although if you ask those who live there, they will disagree. Maybe I just have high standards, who knew!

    A financial incident has taken place within CIMA, the source reported from the Sapphire Commerce Center. Several independent CMDRs have lost their licenses to trade within Cubeo space due to a hack that took place on several CIMA servers that are housed within the Commerce Center. An investigation is underway as to whom the culprit is, so far there are very few undisclosed leads.

    The lakes of Aamofsa are expected to be cleaned and treated in the coming week, followed by a plan to restock them for those students who are avid fishers. Funded by the university as well as independent investments, the small project will hopefully increase the quality of living for students who live in the district.

    Stay tuned for more here at Prismatic Media News!