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    This week’s spotlight shines on Inter Astra, “Find your dream ship”.

    The Undercity Metro-Link begins it’s reconstruction in Draron Qebridge! The effort is unprecedented as the hope and vision is to expand the primary station as well increase the available amenities for patrons and travelers. This is just one integral part in the undercity improvements being made across the city, we certainly look forward to each project completion!

    Employee Appreciation Week is upon those who are employed by Vigor! This year it is reported there will be a day-long concert festival along the rooftop of Ruby Citadel! This is exciting because I personally love live musical performances! Along with the music, there will be food and drink made available, as well as a few mini little games for attendees to enjoy! Tickets will be sold soon, and at a discount for Vigor employees.

    The Capital City Conference Center in the Rhombus district is the ‘talk of the town’ as a handful of dignitaries have scheduled a conference in the coming weeks! Complimenting the conference will be a handful of delightful shows and presentations for those in attendance to enjoy. As such, there will be vendors from all corners of the Empire making an appearance at a chance to make a name for themselves. Some might even be available outside of the conference halls! If you’re lucky enough you too might be able to peruse their wares!

    The Chelomey Market is receiving a much needed facelift in an effort to keep appearance as the rest of Cubeo moves with the time. From Fashion to decor, no stone will be left unturned as station officials make a concerted effort to make the market presentable! How quaint!

    Raven Square will be receiving new traffic monitoring cameras as reports of a few lane congestions file in to district and city officials. This will help them monitor and plan better routes for citizens to drive and even allow them to modify public transit plans!

    The scandalous Life’s Rift is receiving a minor investment boost and it reportedly will be allocated to new and improved life support systems research. While they are mostly known for shady work, they do sometimes provide good services to the people for Cubeo and Capital City.

    An accident has been reported at Liberation Point! Two Lakon Asp Scouts have collided over adjacent landing pads and fuel has leaked out onto the ground. Fortunately star port emergency services were on scene almost immediately to at least clean the spill. The ships however remain in shambles. Stay tuned as this situation develops further!

    Stay tuned for more here at Prismatic Media News!