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  1. Prismatic Media News - Weekly Edition

    This week we bring you Saud Kruger Ships, “Only the finest, only for the best”.

    A funeral for a Prismatic Imperium officer took place this past week. As part of Duke Earl Hart’s command, praises from his fellow officers and troops under his command were given. Commendations for him and his family were had. Those in attendance say the funeral was serene, among them were his family as well as Baron Cecilia Harris, Vikki Schuyler, and Knight Farris Mordici. The officer’s casket was adorned in special flowers, and he was given High Imperial Honours. Whispers swirl that his death was that of an assassination, others simply from battle.

    Melvane Starport officials put out an announcement that construction has gone underway for upgraded landing pads and terminals in the south branch. With the left over funds, integrity planners will be laying out the details for updated Imperial decorations in the primary atrium. We look forward to the additions and expect them to be completed within the next two weeks!

    A TPM reporter has recently published a broadcast highlighting the fighting going on in the Great Valley of Evermore between Duke Earl Hart’s soldiers and tanks and the resistance of the local population. As well as highlighting these happenings, the broadcast also denounced Duke Hart while also invigorating Imperial citizens to aid the people of the Evermore valley. A series of events have spun out of control as piracy has increased ten-fold, inducing chaos in the area. So much so that the Prismatic Imperium military has mobilised to secure the area, though much of it is still in turmoil. We wait to hear an official response from the Branch of Vigor on the situation.
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    A recent discovery has been made of a wine known as 'Ortega' is filling store shelves here on Cubeo, and they seem to remain on the shelves. This can only mean one thing, the wine is horrendous and no upstanding Imperial citizen would waste their money on such a distasteful product. Take the advice from everyone here at TPM and do not buy it. Instead, place an order for the infinitely better Howell Wine. The peak of excellent Imperial wine.

    Recent investments into the Zreaglares shopping center are being allocated to improve upon the underground infrastructure. District planners explained that the transportation linking the center to Melvane Starport needs to be upgraded and kept up to code. Many citizens look forward to utilizing the transport to its fullest in the coming weeks.

    And that wraps up this week’s “Round-Up” edition of Prismatic Media News!