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    This week’s spotlight shines on Braben’s Woolens, “Feel warm with natural wool”.

    The Cubeo Beautification Project continues and has made its way to the district of Opera! Two new fountains have been planned and are under construction near a plaza within the district. These state-of-the-art water features will work in tandem to project water through the air towards each other with an Imperial Art Deco twist!

    I am pleased to announce that the housing project that was announced recently is nearing completion! This will allow some residents of Draron Qebridge more space as well as the target market of Rowell’s undercity in light of the recent Posh Tower project scandal. Following the completion of the new housing complex just south of Draron Qebridge will be the expansion of several light rail transit stops and an addition to the C-Hyperloop! Efficiency at its finest!

    Liberation Point has been the site of a recent fuel spill as a CMDR landed without their gear deployed at a rate five times faster than a normal landing procedure, authorities have stated. This caused the cargo hold to eject all of its contents including several hundreds of litres of fuel. The domino effect of this event led to several of the canisters rupturing upon their collision with heavy machinery. The Prismatic Imperium Starport Authority has deemed it a catastrophic event and have shut down several of the surrounding landing pads and once the airspace is clear will shut down the entire terminal until the clean-up is finished.

    The People’s Media has unveiled a NEW docuseries covering water and how vital it is to humanity, as well as all of its practical and leisure uses! We here at the Branch of Mind want to express how important water is to those who lack easy access to such a vital resource. So much so, I am announcing the “Water Willows Foundation” where we will be sending water to distant stations in need!

    On my desk yesterday I was sent a proposal for a ‘boatyard’, the design schematics my Heralds showed me were outlandish! Instead, I put to the task my top beautification engineers together with the Horia Regent Center to come up with a wonderful design and they did not disappoint! The proposed plan will build a small boatyard below the docks with a series of water lifts and engineering terms I will not explain! What is important is that this project will fall in line with the design philosophy of the Prismatic Imperium! And not obstruct the views of the lake!

    A recent investment into the infrastructure of Ruby Citadel is seeing to the expansion of the Ruby Rapid Response system with Heavy Response Squads. We’ve been told this will help bolster the city’s disaster response systems as well as keep the Prismatic Imperium ‘combat defense ready’, in the words of Warden Finch.

    Ciphpoit Medical Chief of Medicine Kate Helski has announced a new health directive for all hospitals in Capital City. As the war against the Thargoids rages on in the systems around the bubble, it is prudent for us to ensure medical care for the refugees that find themselves in Cubeo. The Prismatic Imperium is the shining jewel of Princess Aisling Duval. All hospitals will be receiving care packages to give to incoming refugees that need medical care and have been displaced by the Thargoids.

    Hyland Floral arrangements have been designed and set out in front of Life’s Rift primary entrance, we aren’t sure as to why, but rumors abound state that it’s to “improve Life’s Rift’s image”. A tall order if you ask me considering the company's scandalous history. We’ve also had to ensure the denial of a strange import of bulkheads to, and I quote, ‘build upon a containment cell’. Considering Life’s Rift’s history, it’s ebay to speculate what they could be containing.

    A recent investment into the district of Rowell has been budgeted to improve the greenery of the entire district in light of the travesty that befell the Rosmoore Estate and the surrounding areas. Additionally, new docks are expected to be constructed along the river that will house leisure boats for scenic river tours! Our analysts have crunched the numbers and this should improve the district’s intrinsic value!

    Stay tuned for more here on Prismatic Media News!