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    This week’s spotlight shines on WorldCraft, “Crafting tourism since 3260.”

    With the additional trauma wing completed, sights are now set on further developing an emergency response team at the Ciphoit Medical Center. It is said that it will feature a medical evacuation service with extraction vehicles, giving the medical teams the ability to quickly and safely transport injured parties to Ciphoit.

    A traffic accident has been reported in the district of Vreemane. Due to mounting pressures from city officials, Transit Authorities will be instituting new vehicle and traffic regulations in an effort to ease congestion, and deter reckless manual driving. Vreemane district planners are also considering the possibility of additional C-Hyperloop trains and routes.

    Substructure canals continue their construction as the new freight project is well underway. Cargo engineers expressed a few concerns about the substructure integrity but many of those were laid to rest as additional plans to reinforce various load balancing supports were unveiled. Ruophaco has also received new land permits for food trucks across the district, so make sure to keep a lookout during your next trip through!

    Investors express market confidence as last night’s stock market rally boosted the day’s closing numbers. Speculation is also high with anticipation for a city-wide price hike and Sapphire Commerce Center is bracing for the possibility of increased inflation. One expert has shown concern that the value boost may bring a short term market crash, “don’t do anything stupid, pay attention for the signs, and make sure you have a steady hand”.

    Opera is once again making waves in the art world with a new and pristine display of fabricated glass exhibits. The exhibit will be available for one week, and during that time there will be a ‘wine and dine’ soiree. Patrons are asked to book in advance as space is very limited.

    Shady things are happening in the Rhombus district, and by shady I mean literally! New trees are being planted above ground to provide shade for pedestrians as they walk about, and more are being planted in the parks! If you have a green thumb, and would like to take part in this project, contact the city’s Parks and Recreation department today! Last up, graffiti has been spotted in several places of the district’s undercity and many residents have expressed concern for the unsightliness. Do your part and report such unscrupulous behavior.

    Stay tuned for more on Prismatic Media News!