Liberation Point

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District Map

Liberation Point is a district of Capital City. It is a starport dedicated to Princess Aisling Duval's ideals and is named after her dedication to the liberation of Imperial Slaves. The starport is the largest in Capital City and provides direct access to Ruophaco and Sapphire Commerce Center. It provides services to both passengers and cargo shipments with a supporting distribution network below the surface. This area is always busy with vessels coming and going. It has a continuous bus system to Chelomey Orbital.

District News and Development Timeline

Date Events and News
Recent investments in Liberation Point starport have prompted onsite administration to begin renovations on the walkways and lavatories to keep everything up to code as well as keeping appearances. Having been dedicated to Aisling Duval, Liberation Point is a source of inspiration for many who come to Capital City. Famous paintings, recent holo-vids, have all been done here at one point in time, and city officials want to keep that level of prestige.
Further funds of investment have reached the Liberation Point budget, allowing for increased improvements for the starport’s terminals and amenities. The hope is that this provides more fine dining alongside the comfy and cozy boutique shops and cafes.
Liberation Point has received another investment and the Budget Planning Committee has decided to allocate it to renovations and improvements to the starport’s freight transit system underground. Following in the path of the Infrastructure Improvement Plan, the completion of the freight transit system, that has been linked to Ruophaco and Bona for incoming commercial shipments of goods, has prompted a move to improve the starport’s warehouses, as well as building additional structures. District Inspectors have made their rounds and have assigned a taskforce to clean up the walkways as well. As part of the fiscal year budget, the remaining investment funds have been distributed for purchases of several pieces of art for the secondary terminals and walkways of the starport.
Liberation Point’s latest reported investment has made it to the budget office and starport officials have stated they intend to use it to improve the landing pads. From decor updates to structural integrity improvements, no expense is spared at maintaining the illustrious starport’s status as one of the premier starports in the Empire. Several CMDRs and pilots alike have levied complaints over the past few weeks of such issues, so it’s refreshing to hear that their complaints have been heard and are being addressed!
Have you noticed the new and improved lighting at Liberation Point? If you haven’t then you must be blind! The illustrious starport has put in a bid for an increase in their faux natural lighting to help travelers’ comforts as they come and go from Capital City. The new lighting makes everything much more pleasant and easier on the eyes!