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Lost CMDR LongJohnSinfield
253   1,053



Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked



Forculus HoloCard
For the odd individual with an appreciation of the simple things, or perhaps a sense of humor, the HoloCard will surprise your friends with 3D projected confetti, music, and a video recording from you! The card itself is only a few inches wide and celebrates the otherwise uninteresting Forculus system with an animated image of its only habitable city, Irrational Exuberance.
x 5 (100%)
Conventional Jacket
[Lightweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 1
Ability: This jacket can provide basic resistance to stabs and cuts from melee attacks.

This smart-wired jacket comes in a wide variety of styles, materials, and colors and features all of the expected technological accessories of the 34th century. It provides some much-needed protection for a street-smart pilot.
x 100 (100%)
Callaghan Auto Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attack: 1d10 [Focus], 3d5 [Burst]
Weight: 1.8 lb
Ability: Effective against light armored targets. Critical (10) provides a second attack.

This standard Callaghan sidearm is a must-have for personal defense for anyone when outside of the security of installations. It is a reliable weapon that uses common types of ammunition making it simple to use and maintain.
x 100 (100%)
Melee Kinetic Weapon
[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attack: 1d10+8 [Precision]
Weight: 1.6 lb
Ability: If an enemy engages in melee while the user is using ranged weapons, switching to and attacking with the knife is a free action. Critical (10) can ignore armor.

Every pilot should consider keeping a knife on hand as a last resort. This weapon can cut through flight suits and some armor with ease. The Diamond Market provides one as a gift to all CMDRs with an account.
x 50 (100%)


John Sinfield was born on the world of Cubeo 3 and has naturally been raised extremely Loyal to the empire and to Aisling. At the age of 16 John enlisted in the imperial Navy. He is anti-slavery and doesnt care much for combat, John wears the colours and emblem of the Empire and of Aisling proudly and his ship is distinguishable as having a Union Jack flag paint job due to his obsession with the ancient British Empire. He believes that the perfect new Empire should be modeled from them. He currently has no home and lives aboard his private starship. The HMS Hudson

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
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## Header
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#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)